Nikolai Dubovsky. Russian impressionism from regional museums

Exhibition February 13 − May 24, 2020
Museum of Russian Impressionism presents an exhibition project“Nikolai Dubovsky. Russian impressionism from regional museums ».

Visitors will be able to see the artist’s work not only paintings from the funds, but also paintings by Nikolai Dubovsky from the collection of the Yaroslavl Museum of Art. In particular, the artist’s works will be presented: “Flooding on the Catherine’s Canal in St. Petersburg” in 1903 and “Sea Coast” of 1917.

Dubovskaya was one of the first to accept impressionistic innovations in painting, however, only individual painting and compositional techniques began to be used. The artist was able to combine the principles of a lyrical landscape-mood and an interest in light and color, in the late period of creativity he already boldly liberated his brush to the technique of spot-on paint. He especially appreciated the work of Claude Monet and Camille Pizarro. During the life of the author for the possession of his paintings unfolded rivalry between Emperor Alexander III and philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov. His name was put on a par with Isaac Levitan, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Vasily Polenov, and his painting was admired by Ilya Repin.

Nikolai Dubovsky is often called the "artist-poet." He believed that "a landscape can light the hearts of people, direct them to good." It is no accident that during his lifetime they spoke of him as the last outstanding marine painter after Aivazovsky. Indeed, landscapes with the image of water were especially successful for the artist. It is on this that the emphasis is placed on the exposition.

Based on site materialsThe Museum of Russian Impressionism.

Galleries at the exhibition