Mark Rothko: A Reflection

Exhibition September 24, 2017 − July 1, 2018
The Boston Museum of fine arts presents an impressive exhibition "Mark Rothko: A Reflection". 11 masterpieces from the collection The national gallery of art in Washingtoninvite visitors to stay a moment and immerse yourself in the challenging world of a brilliant artist.

Mark Rothko – American artist, a leading representative of abstract expressionism, one of the founders of color field painting.
The exhibits demonstrate the full picture of Rothko's career, from her early surrealist works and diverse compositions to classic paintings color field and to trace its study of the expressive potential of color.

The exposition begins with the Association of early Rothko paintings "Through the window" (1938-1939), Rembrandt "the Artist in his Studio" (circa 1628) from the collection of the Boston Museum. Both works – portraits of artists that reflects the act of painting. Contrary to the view that Rothko's work represented a sharp break with past traditions, a side by side comparison puts his work in a wider range of the history of Western art.

The other 10 works of Mark Rothko exhibit the full intense of his career – from early surrealist work to diverse compositions and classical paintings of color fields, and also to trace his exploration of the expressive potential of color.

On materials of official site Museum of fine arts Boston.