Museum of Contemporary Art Villa dei Chedri presents an exhibition
“Hortus conclusus. The illusion of paradise ".
An unusual exposition brought together works by old masters of the 15th-17th centuries - Albrecht Dürer, Heinrich Aldegrever, Martin Schongauer, Hendrik Goltzius and Remoldus Einhudts, - and contemporary artists: Tonatiu Ambrosetti, Jean-Marie Apriu, Mirko Baseljenno, Jichame Bedez , Alain Hack, Yeah Jospin, Mathias Kiss, Emma Lucy Linford, François Malingrei, Omar Mismar, Adrienne Missick, Sandrine and Gelletier, Anne and Peltier Lou Pitteloud, Recycle Group, Mustafa Sabbag, Konrad Willems.
Is it possible to analyze our modern societies, in particular the societies of the West, in light of the religious themes and ancient myths that founded them? The exhibition asks questions about this, starting with the Christian allegory of the walled garden - the image of Paradise and the virginity of Mary - and the Greek myth of the abduction of Europe, which tells about the heroic journey of a kidnapped young girl, the founder of European civilization.
Based on site materials
Museum Villa dei Chedri.