Gifts to the museum. Artists

Exhibition December 18, 2020 − January 24, 2021
Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva and the Gallery of Siberian Art present an exhibition “Gifts to the Museum. Artists".

Visitors will be able to see about 50 paintings, graphic sheets, sculptures, works of arts and crafts donated to the museum by their authors in recent years.

History keeps more than two hundred names of donors and thousands of works presented to the Irkutsk Art Museum - today gifts make up a quarter of the entire collection. The gifts of the authors of works are of particular value. Exhibition “Gifts to the Museum. Artists ”presents works of art by contemporary authors - artists of the XX-XXI centuries, among whom are Vitaly Smagin, Dashi Namdakov, Lev Serikov, Sergey Kazantsev, Vladimir Kuzmin, Gennady Shikhalev, Vladimir Osipov and others.

Based on the official website Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva.