
Exhibition February 25 − May 30, 2021
Valkhof Museum hosts a large-scale fascinating exhibition "Plague".

The exhibition features over 200 works by artists such as Gabriel Metsu, Albrecht Durer, Erwin Olaf and Berlin de Bruyker, as well as writers such as Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio and Albert Camus. In the halls of the museum, the history of the plague is combined with current events. Never before has an exhibition of this size been devoted to this topic in the Netherlands.

The exhibition shows how a terrible disease has shaken the foundations of art and society. While great works of old masters, impressive altarpieces and eye-catching statues of Saints Sebastian and Rochus make the history of the plague understandable, contemporary sculptures, installations and futuristic organic art invite you to reflect on today's corona pandemic and its impact on the future. "Plague" takes viewers on a painful path of fear and threat to the search for hope, comfort and unity, to the search for new solutions.

Prepared by materials Valkhof Museum.