The Museum Association of the State Museums of Berlin in the halls of the Engraving Office is holding an exhibition
“We're taking off! Flight images - from Albrecht Dürer to Jorinde Voigt ".
The exhibition features over 80 works by about 60 artists, including works by Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Goya, Eugene Delacroix, Fernand Léger, Max Klinger, Käthe Kollwitz, Robert Rauschenberg, Eberhard Havecost and Jorinde Voigt.
The exhibition demonstrates how the pictorial ideas of flight in general and "Homo Volans", of a flying man in particular, have changed over the centuries: drawings, engravings and works of book art from the Middle Ages to the present day are presented in eight sections of the exhibition.
Based on site materials
Museum Association State Museums of Berlin.