15 grudnia 2015 rock about 14-00 Mikolaski of Khudoni regional Museum im. Vladimir Vereshagin VDRIVE Yulan the exhibition robt hudojniku ethnic nmcv of Ukraine "10 years together", prisvyacheno desjatinu spitrit Museum that Mikolaskova regional center Nemecko culture.
Danian project sdissues when fnansowe Patric Nmachine in OOB Charitable Fund "Society of Development" (C. Odessa).
Idea of holding the exhibition "10 years together" nalezyty Angeln Sergun, Chart, member Presid For nmcv of Ukraine, acting President of Ukraine Asian nmcw the first Art Director For nmtv Ukraine. Sama won Ob dyla ethnic nmsv hudojniku RSNA pocan pid cervista . , a bezposrednio uchastju s 2006 R. vdbase Seminary-plenary. Have Tsey hour of work had torco Mistry the older pokolinnja I Molod artists toil mozliwosci obmenyalis Dumka, help our defenders DOSUGA, vyslovljujut I obgovarivali Novi de in Galus obrazotvorche is. Seminary-plenary conducted on Zakarpatt, Krim, Donatski region, Lit (M. Drusky), and napisan exponovias artists work on exhibition in Kew, Odes, Zaporiz, Donetsk, Mukacheve, Ochakov, Kherson.
Skin rock, s 2007-2017 PP. the exhibition was held at Mikolaskova oblastnomu hudojnika Muse im. Vladimir Vereshagin.
On yvelani vistas "10 years together" presents over 100 RSNA for genres that manner vikonannya Torv the pic I grafici. Middle exponent V. Shendel, G. ruff, W. Semenov, Semenova, V., Bauer, S., Wagner, N. Pugolovok, NEWNAN toscho.