The philosophy of laughter

Exhibition December 15, 2017 − January 31, 2018
Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum presents cultural and educational project "Philosophy of laughter".

This project aims to combine cultural and educational institutions of Nizhny Novgorod, once, museums, theatres, universities, boarding school deaf children in a single information space.

The center, the starting point of the "Philosophy of laughter" was the exhibition of one painting of the Polish artist Felix Pecherskogo "view of Lublin". It is a genre work, which shows the audience of the theatrical gallery, a lively interest in watching the show. They are representatives of "lower classes" of society: the petty traders, poor students, artisans, servant. The artist gives them striking features, sharpens grotesque facial expressions, stresses the spontaneity and liveliness of people's reactions, not bound by conventions of etiquette.

Himself Felix Pecharsky – the most interesting person, a deaf-mute artist, author of numerous portraits, paintings on religious, historical, genre-consumer content.

In addition to the exhibition itself, the program of the project with lectures by specialists of Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum and Nizhny Novgorod state University, exhibition of works by students of the Nizhny Novgorod boarding school for deaf children, visits to the Nizhny Novgorod drama theatre, authentic festivals dedicated to the Polish culture.

On the official website Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum.

Video: Media Project "Stolitsa Nizhny".