Evolution Art Apparition

Exhibition November 24 − December 24, 2023

Pro Apparition exhibition is more than 100 works by 25 artists (Aksenov Vladislav, Tsvetnov Pavel, Burtova Maria and others) in various techniques: painting, graphics, metal, glass, decorative art.

The opening program of the exhibition in the style of Art event:

Poetry performance - Maxx Arbo (Maxim Krupnik - Smirnitsky)

Svetlana Gerasimovich, actress, (lyrical STAND UP "Ironic Man").

Nika Tya-Sen and Ekaterina Zvekova (fluorescent body art show).

From 22 to 03:00 showcase with DJ program from RUSSIAN BURNING MAN Di Magician (magical master of deep, atmospheric and intellectual music).

Dj Setina (Noir Queen, resident of Noir Bazaar).

Manifestation - the expression of a particular quality, property, or idea.

In a broader sense, manifestation can refer to any kind of display of something that can be seen or felt.

It can be a physical manifestation, such as a symptom or marker - litmus paper, or an emotional manifestation, such as the expression of a feeling. In the context of art, artists' creative works express their ideas and concepts through various forms: painting, sculpture, drawing, etc.

You will get acquainted with the artists (Maxim Levin, Anna Sikorskaya, Svetlana Dedkova, Elena Lantseva, Larisa Gorikh, Vladimir Gusak, Yulia Vasilieva, Christina Belousova, Nadezhda Veretennikova, Yulia Khishchenko, Tatiana Kalyuzhnaya, Tatiana Shin, Timofey Stepanov, etc.) and their works in the cozy atmosphere of The Spot with lamp cocktails and refined snacks.

Galleries at the exhibition