Alexey Aizenman. To the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth

Exhibition August 24 − September 16, 2018
State Museum of Alexander S. Pushkin presents a solo exhibition«Alexey Aizenman. To the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth». The exhibition is held with the participation of the editors of the magazine «Our Heritage» and galleries «The ark».

Alexey Semenovich Aizenman - Moscow artist, a talented master of the cityscape, who has found his own, very difficult, painterly structure. This is the work of large local spots of color, affirming the picture plane, and at the same time a complex pictorial fabric. These are the rhythms of architectural volumes, creating a rigid structure and soft linear rhythms of trees. This is a general organization of the painting canvas, built on a sharp confrontation between space and plane. Considering its urban landscapes, the viewer has a special state, because the city in the pictures lives its own special life, unlike the life of other cities.

From 1952 until the end of his life, Aleksey Aizenman is a regular participant in exhibitions, since 1961 he is a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Painting combined with teaching - he worked with enthusiasm for thirty-five years at the National University of Arts (ZNUI). The artist died in 1993. A year after his death, there were two of his solo exhibitions: in the gallery «The ark» and in the showroom of the magazine «Our Heritage».

Based on the materials of the official site State Museum of A.S. Pushkinand galleries «The ark».