State Russian Museum presents the exhibition
“Konashevich. Known and unknown.
Vladimir Mikhailovich Konashevich (1888-1963) - Russian and Soviet artist, graphic artist, one of the founders of the new children's book, which appeared in post-revolutionary Russia. The exhibition is dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the artist’s birth.
Creativity V. M. Konashevich familiar to many since childhood. Wonderful illustrations of the wonderful master opened for several generations of young readers immortal literary masterpieces - the tales of Andersen and Pushkin, books for children written by Korney Chukovsky, Samuel Marshak, Yuri Olesha.
But very few people from the general public know that Konashevich soon emerged as a master of the lyrical landscape, still life and portrait, although the easel of the artist covers more than forty years. Unfortunately, at the beginning of World War II, almost the entire archive of the artist was killed. Managed to save only a tenth of it. Therefore, the unique sheets created in Pavlovsk and included in the exhibition 150 works from the Russian Museum are so precious. Also presented are works from the collection of the artist’s family and other private collections.
One of the most remarkable masters of national art is now almost unknown and the current exhibition is the return to the audience.
Based on the materials of the official site
The State Russian Museumand site