Viktorovich The Seagull

Russia • né en 1978

Biographie et informations

In 1997 he graduated from the painting faculty of the Moscow Academic art school of memory of 1905. After graduating from College, since 1997 is on the creative work in the city of Vyazma in Smolensk region.

In 1997 was the record of scholarship of international charity program "New names".

In 1994 participated in the international plein air from the Augsburg Academy of art in Irsee (Germany), in 1998 in the international plein air in Didimotiho (Greece), and in 1999 in the international plein air of the year in Vyazma Smolensk region.

In 2000 at the all-Russian contest of young artists "Artist, draw Moscow" (organized by the magazine "Young Guard" and the magazine "Student Meridian") for the series of works "Moscow" was awarded with the I-th place.

Since 2001 - member of Union of Artists of Russia.

  • Études