
Russia • né en 1950

Member of professional-creative Union of Artists of Russia International Federation of artists.

Born in Moscow in 1950. He graduated from the Moscow technological Institute, faculty of applied arts. In the late 80's he began to participate in exhibitions in the gallery of the United Union of graphs on Malaya Gruzinskaya street and in the gallery "Mars", Moscow.

The main theme of creativity – portrait, landscape.


1991 – Italy, Bergamo, Cremona;

1992 – USA, Houston;

1993 – USA, Florida;

1994 – Central house of artists, Moscow;

1995 – Personal exhibition Central house of artists, Moscow;

1995 – Exhibition of members of artists ' Union England, London;

1995 – Auction of Russian artists, Moscow;

1996 – "Golden brush – 96", Central house of artists, Moscow;

1996 – Exhibition of Russian artists, the foreign trade of Russia;

1997 – "Golden brush – 97", Central house of artists, Moscow;

1997 – Exhibition in the gallery "Izmailovo", Moscow;

1997 – Artist to the 850 anniversary of Moscow, Central house of artists;

1997 – Exhibition "woman". Central house of artists, Moscow;

1998 – Festival of painting, Central house of artists, Moscow;

1998 – "Russian Creative Chamber invites", Central house of artists, Moscow;

1999 – exhibition of the members of the Union of artists on Gogol Boulevard, Moscow;

2000 – Art Manezh, Moscow;

2001 – "Winter" on Gogol, Moscow;

2002 – Personal exhibition in Germany, Dusseldorf;

2004 – "Golden brush – 2004", Small Manege, Moscow.

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