Nikolayevich Zaitsev

Russia • 1826−1873

Biographie et informations

Student of the Academy of arts. Received medals: in 1847 – 2 silver; in 1849 – 1 silver; in 1850 – 2 gold for the program: "the Project of the people's Playground"; in the same year the title of the class artist. In 1853, recognized as "designated" and in the same year, – the academician for the "project of the main post office in the capital." In 1854 the rank of Professor.


Serf of count S. Sheremetyev. Since childhood showed remarkable artistic ability. At the age of eighteen were released by the landlord to the will, received at the same time, and the right to be an auditor in classes at the Academy of fine arts. The final work was awarded on a competitive annual examinations medals, including 1850, a gold medal 2-th value. After moving to N. Novgorod, he is building the apartment house of merchant A. Ermolaeva (street Dzerzhinsky, 15). In 1853 the building of the Metropolitan pochtampa he received the title of academician, soon becomes the architect of Nizhny Novgorod Deputy meetings of noble family. The building of the noble Assembly attaches the new building of the Alexander Bank (St. October, 2). In 1859 rabbits heads work on finishing the Mariinsky women's Institute (Minina St., 28). The next year renovating the buildings of the fair, and also keeps construction work in the estate Ulybysheva - Sadkovich (street Sverdlova, 59).

  • Études