Nikolayevich Pokrovsky

Russia • 1864−1924

Biographie et informations

D. R. 1863. Student of the Academy of fine arts from 1883 To 1888 he graduated from the course Sciences. Received medals: in 1886 – 2 silver; in 1888 – 1 silver; in 1889 – 2 gold for the "project of the City Duma in St. Petersburg". 1 November 1890 – the title of class artist of 1 degree for the program: "the Embassy house".


Born in Kamianets-Podilskyi. In 1888 he graduated with honors from the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg. He was determined to serve in Warsaw. After a short stay in Warsaw and Moscow settled in Kharkov, where he succeeded as ill and died a year later, the diocesan architect V. H. Nemcina. According to his projects, built a number of interesting buildings of Kharkiv, including — building of the Historical Museum (now transferred to the monastery).

In 1917 lived at the address: Nevskiy prospect, 85. After 1917, served together with academician A. N. Beketov in the Consumer society of the South of Russia (POUR).

In the fall of 1919 he lectured (“stone structures”) at the Free faculty of arts (whose Chairman was Professor F. I. Schmitt).

Taught. With his participation was open architectural faculty of Kharkov. art Institute, Professor of which he was.

Cm. about it in the main text — in the memories Kosarev.

Lit.: ВХ1917

Chronicle. Free faculty of arts // Theater courier. No. 7. 8 — 10 Oct 1919 p. 3

A. J. Leibfreid. Vladimir N. Pokrovskii // the newspaper “the Circle” (Kharkov). 1995. No. 3

L. E. Rozvadovskyi, Assoc. DEP. fundamentals of architecture HGTUSA. Architect Vladimir Pokrovsky (1864 — 1924) // log Level (Kharkiv). 1995. No. 1 (Pp. 42 — 45) and 2 (P. 37 — 39). (Reported By A. J. Labrada.)

  • Études