Borisovich Parygin

Russia • nato a 1964

Biografia e informazioni

Born 02. 12. 1964 in Leningrad, in the family of the famous philosopher Boris Parygin. Studied: school of art # 2 Dzerzhinskogo R-na (1976 – 1981); Studio of V. I. Suvorov (1982); graphic faculty lgpi them. Herzen (1982 – 1989). State scholar in the section of fine arts (1998). PhD (thesis – "silk-screen printing as a phenomenon of twentieth century art" 2002). The participant more than 100 exhibitions (1986) in Russia and abroad, 15 of them solo.

The representative of the last wave of the Leningrad avant-garde, which manifested itself in the second half of the 1980s, Organizer and participant of the artistic group "Union No. 0" (Leningrad, 1986 – 1989), artistic squat-Studio "Nevsky 25" (Leningrad 1987 – 1990). Member of artists Union of Russia (1994), St. Petersburg society of aquarellists (since 1998), Association of art Critics (2003).

The artist's works are in public and private collections: timing belt (SPb), collection of contemporary art Central exhibition hall Manege (SPb), the Department of prints Russian national library (SPb), State Museum of history of St. Petersburg Foundation, the Petersburg Union of artists of Russia, State Museum-reserve Peterhof (the Benois family Museum), tsgali SPb, Muzeo Nacional de la Acuarela (Mexico), collection of Nicholas Blagodatov (SPb), a collection of Tobias Freberg (Moscow), collection of Yuri Argo (Moscow), meeting Yuko Hagiwara (Tokyo), collection of Adam P. Frankel (New York), etc.

Teaching experience: St. Petersburg University of Humanities, Department of art history course fundamentals of graphic examination of works of art (1995 – 2001); St. Petersburg State University of technology and design, Institute of design and art course painting and drawing (2003). Author of about 40 scientific publications.

Bibliography (selected): Kamenskii A. What does it mean to be modern? – ”The truth” 1988, September 9; the Equinox. Catalogue of the exhibition. - The author enter. article Yudina T. K. Gallery TLC. SPb., 1991; Gorsky M. the hour of the equinox. – ”Leningrad truth” 1991, June 26; Zhavoronkova, S. M. Two artists – two worlds. – ”Evening St. Petersburg”, 1991, December 20; Grigor'yants, E. Images of Alex Parygin. – ”St. Petersburg panorama”, 1993, № 3. P. 11; Aleksandrova O. Painting and drawing to music. - ”Neva time”, 1996, may 9; Grigor'yants, E. I., Book illustration in the artist A. Parygina. – In collection: Actual problems of theory and history of bibliophilia. Proceedings of the VII international conference., SPb: Izd. NLR, 1999. P. 94 – 96; Grace N. Art is search, search is an art. – Neva, No. 2, 2002. Pp. 253 – 255; Grigoryants I.e. the Image and space of the book to the work of Alexei Parygin. – ПИТЕРbook, No. 12, December 2002. P. 30 – 31; J. Brain God mastery: the three faces. Petersburg classic, 4/2003. P. 77; E. I. Grigoryants, the Dialogue, the poet – painter in the modern St. Petersburg artist's book. In collection: Actual problems of theory and history of bibliophilia. Proceedings of the IX international Conf. SPb, ed. NLR, 2003. P. 45 – 49; Grigoryants E. Items Alexey Parygin. – St. Petersburg art history notebook, issue 5., SPb: AIS, 2004. S. 10 – 12; the Book and lyrics of the squat: Alexey Parygin and others. – The ACT No. 15 / August – November 2004. P. 21 – 22; Grigor'yants, E. I., the artist's Book – a modern samizdat. The Bibliophiles Of Russia. Almanac. Volume II – M., 2005.

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