"Motion 1 - (LISTOPAD).

Andrei Viktorovich Maximov • Pittura, 2021, 140×160 cm
$10 000
Informazioni sull'opera
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Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio
Stile: Astrattismo
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 2021
Dimensioni: 140×160 cm
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Descrizione del quadro «"Motion 1 - (LISTOPAD).»

This work was thought over and calculated by the artist for a long time. The concept was formed quickly. It was much more difficult to express it visually through geometric elements and color spots.
The basic idea is the movement of life in a spiral, like the leaves falling in the fall.
Spiral movement has a double effect: one can perceive both inward and outward movement.
Color dissonance is clearly perceived. Contrast of states. Leaffall as a starting point for reflection and additional connotation to inner states.
The work traces the coloristic struggle between the soft and gnarled hues of the falling foliage
and bright, still fresh tones, not faded individual leaves, draped in a spiral circle.
As in life, the mood of autumn evokes not only sadness but also hope for the rebirth of life. In this spiral one can still see the movement of the artist's hand, creating a brushstroke in an enlarged form. An allusion to Lichtenstein's work, which itself is an allusion to the previous works of the abstractionists with their sprawling brushstrokes.
Expression is transformed into geometric abstraction. The title : "Movement 1" implies that other movements of life will also be noticed.