"On Warm Stones."

Andrei Viktorovich Maximov • Pittura, 2022, 130×140 cm
$10 000
Informazioni sull'opera
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Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio
Stile: Astrattismo
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 2022
Dimensioni: 130×140 cm
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Descrizione del quadro «"On Warm Stones."»

When thinking about his works, the artist is driven by the desire to create a natural perception through the synthesis of abstract elements and color. The choice of color is always subjective. Therefore, the work is created for a long time and everything is carefully calculated.

The work "On Warm Stones" was also created over a long period of time. The author conveys his emotional state by creating an abstract form, through a visual technological language peculiar to the modern world.
The artist creates harmony between the sensual, emotional perception of the world and the rational construction of it.

The artist sees his task in creating a universal and synthesized language for this purpose.
The title of the painting is connected with real impressions. Rocky warm stones in the summer heat not only delight, but a little bring anxiety in the state of mind. All these shades of feelings are reflected in the coloristic solution of the work. The transfer of sunny warm tones on natural rock formations is replaced by contrasting flecks reflecting rare vegetation in the rock. There is a transformation of emotions into geometric forms
