He created chaos in the Vatican, was received in St. Petersburg for a painter, did not believe in the existence of land without sea, drew labels for champagne, circled the heads of gorgeous women and was revered by the Crimean Robin Hood. Life of Ivan Aivazovsky sometimes boiled like waves in his paintings.

Chumaky in the Ukraine
, 80.5×143.3 cm
Aivazovsky had his own ideas about geography, and such an absurdity as the land without the sea did not fit them. At the age of eight, when he heard from his father that there were places where one land and no sea at all, he flatly refused to believe in the reality of such a nightmare. It can not be this for three reasons: a) because it can not be ever; b) and the ships, how then will they move? The ship can not do without the sea! c) and more importantly - a person in this all how to live? A man without a sea, all the more ...
When Hovhannes Gayvazovsky grew up and began to be called Ivan Aivazovsky, he visited himself in those parts where the land is all but the sea is not: he studied in Petersburg, traveled abroad, traveled in steppe regions of Ukraine. But his rule "a man without a sea - no way" did not change, he threw everything and went to Feodosia.
When Hovhannes Gayvazovsky grew up and began to be called Ivan Aivazovsky, he visited himself in those parts where the land is all but the sea is not: he studied in Petersburg, traveled abroad, traveled in steppe regions of Ukraine. But his rule "a man without a sea - no way" did not change, he threw everything and went to Feodosia.
Chaos. The creation of the world
1841, 106×75 cm
In Italy, Aivazovsky created such a "chaos" that even the Pope was impressed. Speech about the magnificent canvas in the uncharacteristic for the Aivazovsky mystical genre. Inspired by the biblical line "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters", he embodied it on canvas. I wanted to buy a picture Pope Gregory XVI. Not one day, Aivazovsky's workshop was visited by endless processions, consisting of prelates, cardinals and other high-ranking persons. Not seen until then in a special predilection for Russian art, all these commissions could not find faults in the work that would make it unworthy of the Vatican Gallery. Dad got a picture, and Aivazovsky was awarded a Gold Medal, which confirmed his fame as a miracle worker of a brush. Gogol, with whom Aivazovsky became friends in Rome, excelled in this: "I'll blame you, Vanya! You came, a little man, from the banks of the distant Neva to Rome and immediately raised chaos in the Vatican! And after all, what a shame, I raise chaos in the Vatican, they would give me a neck for it, a scribbler, and Vanya Aivazovsky was given a gold medal ... "
1892, 226×158 cm
Great painter, conqueror of Europe, the pride of the Fatherland, the owner of all kinds of honors and medals? Painters are not allowed to rent housing! In the summer of 1844, Aivazovsky returned to St. Petersburg from a foreign tour. During his travels he glorified his name and Russian art. He is recognized in Italy, Holland, England, France, Spain, and in St. Petersburg he is going to give the title of academician (and in fact give), and also to rank the Chief Naval Staff first painter. The artist is looking for a workshop. He has enough money, so he wants a room spacious, in the center. Finds a suitable option in the street Karavannaya, not bargaining, agrees to the appointed price, is going to leave a deposit ... And this generosity seems suspicious to the janitor, who showed the room. He demands to name the occupation of a potential guest, and hearing the answer "painter Aivazovsky", does not ask for an autograph, but refuses the artist to hand over the apartment ("fater"). Aivazovsky's astonished question answers: "The hostess strictly forbade the admittance of artisans to the house. Yesterday I refused the tailor! ". No arguments about the "famous artist" did not work. The janitor stubbornly stood his ground. "We understand this, but still, it means, the artisans in the paint shop. Fester so pollute that after and not clean. No, sorry, but I can not surrender a fief-with ".
Aivazovsky had a chance to spend the night in the room-museum of Byron on the island of Saint Lazarus in Venice. The brother of the artist Gabriel chose the church path. When Ivan Aivazovsky visited him on the island of St. Lazarus, he was placed in the room where Byron stayed. This room in the monastery was kept as a museum. Everything in it remained the same as it was at the poet's visit. Honor to stay in it fell out to rare lucky beggars and was considered a sign of special respect for the Lazarites. The young artist was very excited about this fact, he thought that in this way he received the blessing of the romantic poet. In some ways this is true: Aivazovsky could be a mystic, he could be a realist, but the nature of his talent is obviously romantic. It is noteworthy that it was after the night spent in Byron's room and the morning's long conversation with his brother that the artist finally decided to change his surname by removing the letter "G" and becoming Aivazovsky from Hayvazovsky.

House of Aivazovsky in Feodosia. Photo from the album, stored in the funds of the Feodosia Art Gallery.
Aivazovsky was a very hospitable host. He liked to receive guests at home, was happy with visitors, met them with delight. What is remarkable, his guests were of a variety of backgrounds, social status, occupation. Somehow the well-known violinist Venyavsky and the unclean businessman, with whom Venyavsky refused to get acquainted at all, stayed at the same time. However, guests of all ranks and estates could face the fact that a few days later at dinner a friendly owner informed him that he had ordered the horses to be laid ... And not because the guests were bored. It was simply vital for him to work and write, and for this he must have solitude and a minimum of distractions. There is a suspicion that the guests at such times are not very comfortable.
Aivazovsky was a very hospitable host. He liked to receive guests at home, was happy with visitors, met them with delight. What is remarkable, his guests were of a variety of backgrounds, social status, occupation. Somehow the well-known violinist Venyavsky and the unclean businessman, with whom Venyavsky refused to get acquainted at all, stayed at the same time. However, guests of all ranks and estates could face the fact that a few days later at dinner a friendly owner informed him that he had ordered the horses to be laid ... And not because the guests were bored. It was simply vital for him to work and write, and for this he must have solitude and a minimum of distractions. There is a suspicion that the guests at such times are not very comfortable.

A photo of Ivan Aivazovsky in 1893 with a real oil painting put into the frame (the size of the picture is 10.6 × 7.3 cm). This photo, "inlaid" painting, was intended for Galust Gulbenkian, a British financier and collector. Now a picture with a surprisestored in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Aivazovsky knew how to surprise guests with dessert. Often, the artist, along with the chef thought through the menu for receptions and banquets. In his house often served champagne, to which the maestro was a weakness. He was not too lazy to paste the factory label himself with the factory label. As a rule, on the labels "from Aivazovsky" turned out to be some particularly "boiling" marinas, most often "The Ninth Wave".
On the fiftieth anniversary of the artist a lavish banquet was organized. Closer to its completion, Aivazovsky stood up and said: "Gentlemen, I apologize to you. My cook forgot about dessert! Therefore, you will have to taste the dish of my cooking ". Guests were served small trays, each of which lay a small landscape from Aivazovsky.
By the way, there was a real confectioner in Russian painting. Vasily Tropininlearned the skill of making sweets in St. Petersburg. Not on his own, but on the orders of his master, because Tropinin remained a serf until the age of 47 - so he had to pamper the gentlemen with cakes and soufflé.
Aivazovsky knew how to surprise guests with dessert. Often, the artist, along with the chef thought through the menu for receptions and banquets. In his house often served champagne, to which the maestro was a weakness. He was not too lazy to paste the factory label himself with the factory label. As a rule, on the labels "from Aivazovsky" turned out to be some particularly "boiling" marinas, most often "The Ninth Wave".
On the fiftieth anniversary of the artist a lavish banquet was organized. Closer to its completion, Aivazovsky stood up and said: "Gentlemen, I apologize to you. My cook forgot about dessert! Therefore, you will have to taste the dish of my cooking ". Guests were served small trays, each of which lay a small landscape from Aivazovsky.
By the way, there was a real confectioner in Russian painting. Vasily Tropininlearned the skill of making sweets in St. Petersburg. Not on his own, but on the orders of his master, because Tropinin remained a serf until the age of 47 - so he had to pamper the gentlemen with cakes and soufflé.
Crimean view
XIX century, 46×69 cm
Aivazovsky was the first to pay close attention to the hills in the vicinity of Feodosia and Kerch. It seemed to him that they had an obviously artificial origin. At his own expense, he organized excavations, and after building the building of the Archaeological Museum. During the excavations interesting finds were found. In particular, in one of the estates of Aivazovsky, the village of Sheikh-Mamai, there were found remains that could be considered the burial place of Mamai. However, it was not finally proved that the grave of Mamai is located exactly in this place, and the sensations, which say that now it is really found, appear to this day.
Nevertheless, on the site of the possible grave of the Horde Temnik, Aivazovsky built an arbor to "reflect on the frailty of human life" in it. Confirming this frailty, in 1917 the estate together with the gazebo was burnt. Modern studies have shown that the settlement of Sheikh-Mamay was part of the ancient choir of Theodosia from the 60s of the 3rd century BC. Now this village is called Aivazovsky.
Nevertheless, on the site of the possible grave of the Horde Temnik, Aivazovsky built an arbor to "reflect on the frailty of human life" in it. Confirming this frailty, in 1917 the estate together with the gazebo was burnt. Modern studies have shown that the settlement of Sheikh-Mamay was part of the ancient choir of Theodosia from the 60s of the 3rd century BC. Now this village is called Aivazovsky.
Anna Burnazyan-Sarkizova, the second wife of Ivan Aivazovsky
1882, 73×62 cm
Before the wife of Aivazovsky, the Crimean knee of Robin Hood knelt. There is a legend that in a lined Aivazovsky gazebo at the site of excavations in the village of Sheikh-Mamai, he was able to entertain a Crimean incarnation of Robin Hood, the famous robber Alim Aydamak. In songs and stories, Aidamak is credited with exploits similar to those of the hero of English ballads: the rich take away, give the poor away. According to some versions, there was a woman - allegedly a laborer Alim was looking at the owner's daughter, for which he suffered. If you believe the legends, the robber visited the artist, admired his paintings, had a pleasant conversation, including learned about Aivazovsky's early marriage to the young Anna Sarkizova.
The wedding day has come. A festive cortege was stopped by a band of robbers. The guests were alarmed, but the leader of the robbers jumped off the horse, knelt down before the bride and handed her a luxurious oriental shawl. Some sources claim that this story took place during Aivazovsky's marriage to Julia Grevs. This version is supported by legends according to which in 1849 Alimov was caught, received six thousand sticks, after which he was exiled to Siberia, so that during the marriage to Anna in 1882 the artist could not meet with him. Against this version of such nuances: after marrying Yulia, Aivazovsky only moved to Feodosia, and started archeology since 1853, and the arbor in which she and Alim allegedly drank coffee, has not yet been built for the marriage of Julia Grevs. But the main thing is not even this: the Crimean Robin Hood clearly in such an elegant manner has honored not only the artistic talents, but also the grandiose merits of the "father of the city", who had much more to marry Anna.
The wedding day has come. A festive cortege was stopped by a band of robbers. The guests were alarmed, but the leader of the robbers jumped off the horse, knelt down before the bride and handed her a luxurious oriental shawl. Some sources claim that this story took place during Aivazovsky's marriage to Julia Grevs. This version is supported by legends according to which in 1849 Alimov was caught, received six thousand sticks, after which he was exiled to Siberia, so that during the marriage to Anna in 1882 the artist could not meet with him. Against this version of such nuances: after marrying Yulia, Aivazovsky only moved to Feodosia, and started archeology since 1853, and the arbor in which she and Alim allegedly drank coffee, has not yet been built for the marriage of Julia Grevs. But the main thing is not even this: the Crimean Robin Hood clearly in such an elegant manner has honored not only the artistic talents, but also the grandiose merits of the "father of the city", who had much more to marry Anna.
Reception of the Imperial family in Sudak
1867, 20×27.5 cm
For the time of Aivazovsky five emperors were replaced. Sometimes it is said that he "Was in good relations with everyone", which is not entirely fair. With Alexander I, he did not have time to visit in any respects, but with the rest was really in good enough. Chances are great that it was much easier to do it from Theodosia, and not staying in St. Petersburg. Monarchs are often jealous, and Aivazovsky in Feodosia arranged in fact "the country of Aivazovsky." Fortunately, he was not deprived and secular tact, which allowed him not to oppose himself to the emperors, but to demonstrate that everything that is done is done for the good of the empire. Actually, it was so. By the way, on the funds collected by Aivazovsky, a monument to Alexander III was erected in Feodosia. Thus, the artist expressed gratitude for the consent of the emperor to build a trading port in Feodosia, which became a serious economic jerk for the city. It is not known how relations with the ruling people would have developed, do not leave Aivazovsky Petersburg. After all, for example, Nicholas I at one time was close to having the very young artist sent into disgrace.
Young Aivazovsky assisted the French marine Tanner. The Frenchman immediately appreciated the talent of the assistant and used it more than actively. When the works of Aivazovsky were at the exhibition, and they were appreciated much higher than the mannered marinas of Tanner, he was furious and, using his closeness to the emperor, slandered the young Aivazovsky. On this career the best Russian seascape could end, but the patronage of the famous artists of that time and, most importantly, the drawing teacher from the tsar's daughters of the professor Alexandra Sauerweidhelped mitigate the wrath of Nicholas I. Aivazovsky, however, was convinced of the validity of Griboedov's lines "Bypassing us more than all sorrows and lordly anger and lascivious love".
Young Aivazovsky assisted the French marine Tanner. The Frenchman immediately appreciated the talent of the assistant and used it more than actively. When the works of Aivazovsky were at the exhibition, and they were appreciated much higher than the mannered marinas of Tanner, he was furious and, using his closeness to the emperor, slandered the young Aivazovsky. On this career the best Russian seascape could end, but the patronage of the famous artists of that time and, most importantly, the drawing teacher from the tsar's daughters of the professor Alexandra Sauerweidhelped mitigate the wrath of Nicholas I. Aivazovsky, however, was convinced of the validity of Griboedov's lines "Bypassing us more than all sorrows and lordly anger and lascivious love".
All women Aivazovsky, known to the public, are somewhat unusual. First wife - governess Julia Grevs. Aivazovsky himself at that time was one of the most enviable suitors of St. Petersburg. The second wife of Anna Sarkizova is younger than him for almost 40 years. But there was another woman who is also worthy of mention. Ballerina Maria Taglioni, older than Aivazovsky for 13 years. The history of their relationship, in fact, is based on legends, but how beautiful these legends are. Maria Taglioni helped rise Aivazovsky when, hurt by her crew, he fell on the road. In the second meeting he received a ticket for her performance. After the presentation, Maria threw him one of the bouquets with which her fans showered her. When he came to Italy, two pictures were bought by his Maria ... And she left a ticket for her performance. Finally a personal meeting, a long walk, ended at home with Maria, and - much happiness, love, painting, ballet. He dreamed of being always near, offered Mary a hand and a heart. Also has refused - she did not wish neither for it to become in due course a burden, nor in the heart to give someone the same place which there was occupied with ballet. But if you believe the legends, in memory of the first beloved of Aivazovsky for all her life remained her pink ballet. When the artist died, his wife Anna first burned this ballet.
The main illustration: Alexey Tyranov. Portrait of Ivan Aivazovsky(fragment), 1841. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Author: Alain Esaulova
The main illustration: Alexey Tyranov. Portrait of Ivan Aivazovsky(fragment), 1841. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Author: Alain Esaulova
Chumaky in the Ukraine
, 80.5×143.3 cm