Description of the artwork «Watson and the shark»
"Watson and the shark" famous painting American painter of the eighteenth century John singleton Copley. But it is not written in America, and in England where the artist finally moved in 1775, when the U.S. began the War for independence. In America, Copley wrote almost exclusively portraits, but in their new homeland decided to try his large compositions on the theme of modernity. And it has paid off: "Watson and the shark" was immediately recognized as a masterpiece.
Shark attacked a 14-year-old cabin boy in the waters of Havana harbour in 1749 distant year. Exotic choice of subject is easy to explain: the painting was commissioned Copley, Lord mayor of London brook Watson, this is what a quarter of a century ago were attacked by a ferocious monster. Watson saved the crew of a passing boat. The young man lost one leg at the knee and foot of the second leg, but not the spirit.
Copley portrays how differently to react to people in a boat who want to save Watson. They experience a storm of emotions, from a desperate determination to quiet horror. Black sailor throws Watson life-saving rope, but he manages to grab her. Long-haired young man in a jacket, by putting your foot on the side of the boat, aiming at the monster with a harpoon. And the old boatswain holds two brave men, pulling Watson to his hands so that they fell into the sea. A group of rescuers came from the Copley particularly dynamic. She would write in a triangle, the apex of which stands the harpooner.
But Copley does not set itself the goal to shock the viewer. He tries to avoid the Gory details. In the course of writing, painting many of its details were changed. Infrared analysis shows that the old boatswain was originally a young man. And judging by the preliminary sketches, a black sailor was conceived as a white male with long hair.
Copley himself had never been to Havana. Information he drew from prints and book illustrations. In the background, he depicted the reality of the attraction – the fortress of El Morro. But the shark "on the books" came from Copley not very convincing: some critics have noted that her eyes and mouth more she reminds them of a tiger.
But innovation Copley for his era no doubt. While more has been written of paintings of religious or historical content with nationwide coverage, and Copley chose the plot, it can be said of private life. And his courage paid off: in 1778, the painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy. Then Copley will write full version not for Watson, and personally for myself and hang it in his Studio (she is now represented in the Museum of fine arts, Boston – that is, returned from England to America). Reduced third copy is stored at the Detroit Institute of arts. By the way, my copy of Copley after his death bequeathed to the charity shelter with the goal of moral enthusiasm: he wanted to stress that to achieve success, everyone can. And even if in 14 years the shark has deprived you of half limbs, you still may become the Lord mayor of the British capital.
Author: Oleg Vybivaet