"Village on the acute Nargen" written as a result of travel Julia Clover with his friend, actor and artist
Vasily Samoilovon Nargen ( Gulf of Finland) in 1879. Clover is one of the first opened to the Russian public the types of the Gulf of Finland.
On the island Samoilov they spent the summer, and Clover brought a lot of sketches which he wrote several splendid species. The modern name of Nargana – Naissaar. In Soviet times, the island was created by a military base, so now you can admire there except the remains of military structures and shells marine min.
At that time the island was almost devoid of communication with the mainland, a kind of a small island state with a population of three hundred people – Estonian fishermen with families. The painting "village on the acute Nargen" gives a quite accurate idea of what was Nargen. Hut in several rows, and the harsh vegetation of the sea. Accustomed to living in these difficult conditions, fishermen pull boats ashore. In all this one feels a certain order, a rhythm, a certain way of life passing away from the hustle and bustle of big cities. And a special winter "cleverhouse" color. Winter Clover wrote more often than all other times of the year. And she had not white-grey, he was able to see many shades of winter. In this work, for his talent as a colorist expanse – in addition to multi-color, pearl, blue, white snow silver emerald Aqua, pink and purple hues of the sky, a bright Golden streak near the horizon, where you can see the sail. From the picture emanates a distinct feeling of silence, abandonment and some of the fascination of this island.
Clover was often reproached that he stood, found his niche and no longer develops, repeats. Meanwhile, a trip he has taken, basking in the glory. Among his lovers at that time was the Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna, had a great success of his two solo exhibitions, he was awarded the prize of the Society for the encouragement of artists. And, of course, one of the most high-profile successes: the picture of Clover was acquired by Tsar Alexander III. Academy immediately, forgetting about the recent exception of Julia Clover of the number of students, awarded him the title of class artist of the first degree, and soon made in academics. In other words, Clover didn't have a reason to go to the lost in the Gulf, unknown to Russian audience the island Nargen, but the desire to learn new things, to show what earlier Russian scenic exhibitions not seen.
Upon returning Juli Clover won another victory: his
"The forest on the island Nargen"("Virgin forest") acquired
Pavel Tretyakov. This is a serious confession, Tretyakov among Russian artists in those years was a kind of measure of success and quality, and appreciated.
Author: Alain Esaulova