Spring blooms

Anna-Maria Vladimirovna Kuznecova • Painting, April 2022, 6×4 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape
Technique: Oil
Materials: Cardboard
Date of creation: April 2022
Size: 6×4 cm

Description of the artwork «Spring blooms»

"Quite a relevant story to our time of year and climate in general!

SPRING is a period when not only nature blooms, but also we ourselves! A desire to create, smile, travel and enjoy life awakens inside us!
Everything around us becomes especially beautiful and sunny. And how pleasing to our eyes are the gardens in bloom? And how do they smell? It is this flash of subtle sensations that is shown in the work "Spring Blossom"