Kokoschka was a psychic. So anyway, said many of his customers and friends. And speech here not only about inexplicable penetration into the human soul – artist guess even some of the facts of the past and the future of the model. One of his heroes, he, for example, without any reason or explanation written by a prisoner, not realizing he really was in jail. Another of his models, convinced a city resident, the artist predicted the imminent relocation of the village, depicting on a background of appropriate landscape. So do not believe the Kokoschka there was no reason he knows all about these two people – Hans and Erica Tietze.
It seems that the heroes of this picture are immersed inside the electric field that now their fingers touch and there will be a giant discharge or short circuit. And in fact, this wedding portrait of a married couple, which was written for the raising above the mantel shelf.
Hans and Erica Tietze was, of course, not just a fan of the beautiful, and the advanced critics, who passionately supported avant-garde artists and even created the Vienna society of modern art development. So your pair portrait they ordered the most controversial in Austria the young artist – 23-year-old Oskar Kokoschka. We must remember that around the same time the Viennese critics furious and sacred disgust warned: the exhibition of Kokoschka can only go if you have experienced syphilis. And then the mantel in the family nest for newlyweds!
This is perhaps the most symmetrical and harmonious person in the whole portrait artist. Strict and proper. In the features and facial expressions – no distorting emotions or passions. But the real key inside the characters's hands. Kokoschka hypnotized the hands, they are the symbol of physicality and the physical, the real essence that is more important than words and masks-faces On all the portraits (and self portraits -
3) hands talking about the character more than the eye, smile and pose. So no doubt where to seek the truth, Kokoschka increases the hands of the heroes, making them disproportionately large, it sharpens the joints and twist the fingers, adds to the intensity of the color and lines on the hands. And if you read the hand, it is quite obvious which of the two depicted characters removed and immersed in their thoughts, and who is worried and trying to break into the world of another.
Of Hans and Erica Tietze, the artist said: they are reserved people, and this creates tension around them. Oskar Kokoschka that brush the only tool of an artist confidently floated fingers, nails, needles and completely imagined in this role, even the hammer, yet none of his paintings did not leave much of a nervous scratch as on this. Everything here is bursting and sparkling. There will be a storm.
Author: Anna Sidelnikova