"Flowers of world prosperity" software the picture, which clearly can be traced the principles of analytical art. It is part of the cycle Filonov
"Entering into the world prosperity".
Traditionally artists work from the General to the particular: grasping the essence of the object, gradually or rapidly (depending on the style of the author) reproduce it on the canvas. Filonov urged to do the opposite, moving from the smallest to the General. His paintings grow like plants, crystals, atom by atom filling the canvas and continuing beyond, and have holographic properties, melting in every inch of the universe.
Often Filonov together with
expressionist that is fundamentally wrong. No spontaneity in the process of painting the Creator "made art" is not allowed, every stroke and DAB carefully thought out, every inch of the canvas is not accidental. He put the point out of it little touches, then the case enters a thin brush, which the artist has drawn every inch of the canvas.
While the avant-gardists tried to decide what is more important – colour or form, the plot or aesthetics, Filonov declared that the color and form is just a dead shell, so it's pointless to argue which of the facets of the shell are more important. Unimportant both, both – only method. What matters is the image of a succession of metamorphoses that occur with the object.
A blooming flower – one of the key images of analytical art, it allows you to display the essence of the direction of development, prosperity, "developmental biology", by definition of the artist. Filonov's approach is comparable with the views of Niels Bohr in the natural Sciences. Bor said that biologists can't know anything about the properties of living matter, because when they dissect her, she was already dead. It is with Filonov realism of color and form to any landscape, whether depicting realistic branch of lilac, whether transmitting the feeling of her awakening if the expression in the viewer – works with dead matter, completeness.
Filonov wrote the flowers matching the on canvas of an infinite number of planes and States of each petal. Used them multiplizierender allows you to show all stages of growth simultaneously – flowers in our eyes seem to sprout from a seed, grows, gains strength, there are buds that swell, gradually bloom, reach full disclosure, fade, fall off, in their place, new ideas... All this we see both in different perspectives. Before us is not a flower, not landscape, and still life, and display clean of blossoming, as if the very essence of the movement of atoms, the artist transfers to the canvas. By the way, Daniil Kharms about Filonov wrote:
I came to biquadratic equationsand sitting in the room knew the spring running deer,I myself, of his own hand,caught molecule.That's how I am!Author: Alain Esaulova