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Pollock's jigsaw puzzle is not a joke. The story of the world's most difficult puzzle.

Would you like doing puzzle? Then try to do jigsaw of the most famous paintings of Jackson Pollock — "Convergence". A photo of this puzzle’s box, once billed as "the world’s most difficult puzzle", is considered as a joke by the current users of social networks. However, these puzzles do exist! As experience of those who love challenges’shows they can be done even though it is not easy.

Pollock's jigsaw puzzle is not a joke. The story of the world's most difficult puzzle.
Fans of puzzles and Jackson Pollock’s art admit: they needed at least a few months to collect 1000 pieces in a single picture sized 61×76 cm.
Real photo of jigsaw puzzle’s box
Real photo of jigsaw puzzle’s box
After World War II many artists rejected the traditional styles and themes — and began to look for new ways of expression. In 1951, Jackson Pollock said: "It seems to me that the modern painter cannot express his age — the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio — in the old forms of Renaissance or of any past culture. Each age finds its own technique". In the late 1940s American artist developed his unique style that is now recognized around the world — "drip" painting. He laid out canvas on the studio floor and stated, "…This way I can walk round it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting".
For Jackson Pollock (1912 — 1956) the process of creating drops on the canvas, spraying and spilling

For Jackson Pollock (1912 — 1956) the process of creating drops on the canvas, spraying and spilling paint became a combination of chance and control. In the compositions even small fragments of everyday life could find their place: among the splashes and stains plexus you can find unexpected items such as nails and coins.

For example, closer to the center of the "Convergence" it is a small match, glued to the surface with the paint.

Left: Jackson Pollock at work, 1950. Photo by Hans Namuth

Initially, looking for new decisions, Pollock painted in black and white colors — including "Convergence". Being not satisfied with the result, he added color in order to save the painting. In 1952, the critics have not agreed whether he managed it. However, "Convergence" is considered one of the artist’s masterpieces now.
Jackson Pollock. Convergence
1952, 237.5×393.7 cm
In 1964 Springbok Editions issued jigsaw of Jackson Pollock’s "Convergence". At that time, puzzle that touted as "the hardest jigsaw puzzle in the world" was an overnight sensation and hundreds of thousands of this puzzle were purchased across the USA. The original puzzle was only 340 pieces, and that isn’t big enough for contemporary lovers of challenges.
Photo of original jigsaw puzzle of Pollock’s painting
Photo of original jigsaw puzzle of Pollock’s painting
40 years later Springbok re-released jigsaw puzzle to its 40th anniversary, and Pollock’s masterpiece was reprinted as a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle!
The puzzles fan Erin Tierney from Seattle, Development and Communications Director at Ballard Food B
The puzzles fan Erin Tierney from Seattle, Development and Communications Director at Ballard Food Bank, wrote in her blog: "The Pollock Puzzle was my greatest accomplishment". The young woman confessed that she had to invite her friends to help out. Photo: zenomath.org

Now you can buy Jackson Pollock’s Convergence on Springbok-puzzles.com for $ 17.5 (on Amazon.com it is more expensive, but currently unavailable). "This puzzle was the best gift ever! So much fun to put together. In the winter when it is too cold to go outside, get ready to put this challenging puzzle together!" - wrote in his review customer by the nickname LB. "The finished product is beautiful. I have a new appreciation for Pollock […]. I recommend this for anyone who loves art and a real challenge", — echoes him customer named "first time jigsawer".
"May lead to insanity in previously sane people; may bring sanity to previously insane people. So it’s sort of a lose-win", summarized a man named Kennedy Brandt.
Jackson Pollock. Alchemy
1947, 114×195 cm
Well, if "physical" puzzle "Convergence" you can not afford, and you’re not going to hang the end result on the wall, you can try your hand virtually.

There is an online version of the jigsaw puzzle on the jackson-pollock.org. However, it consists of only 35 units and is doing quite fast (below find its screenshot).
Pollock's jigsaw puzzle is not a joke. The story of the world's most difficult puzzle.

Facts about the artist - a guide for beginner gatherers of Pollock's jigsaw puzzles. Do you know that:

1) The first "birth" name of Jackson Pollock — Paul;

2) Pollock once had a job cleaning statues for the Bureau. He also briefly worked as a watchman and a janitor with his brother, Sanford, at a children’s school where their eldest brother, Charles, taught;

3) Once he created a wall painting, 6 meters wide and 2.4 meters high. But he painted "Mural", as it is called today, on canvas, rather than the wall;

4) In the summer of 1938, Pollock suffered a nervous breakdown and was briefly hospitalised;

5) In the late 1930s, Pollock filled several notebooks with sketches of Picasso’s Guernica;

6) During the Depression in 1930s, Pollock occasionally stole food and gasoline because of his dire financial situation;
Jackson Pollock. Mural
1943, 247×605 cm
7) When Pollock’s father, LeRoy, died in 1933, 21-years old Pollock did not have enough money to return home for the funeral;

8) Some people would buy Pollock drinks at the bar just to see what kind of bizarre antics he would get up to when drunk;

9) In 2006, Jackson Pollock’s painting "№ 5" (1948) was sold for $140 million and became the most expensive painting in the world;
Jackson Pollock. Number 5
Number 5
1948, 243.8×121.9 cm
10) Pollock abandoned titles and started numbering his works because he didn’t want the viewers looking for a story or meaning in his art. He wanted that people looked at the picture for what it is — pure painting;

11) The first of Pollock’s paintings to be acquired by a museum was "The She-Wolf". It was bought by MoMA in New-York for $650 in May, 1944. Pollock said of the painting: "The She-Wolf" came into existence because I had to paint it. Any attempt on my part to say something about it, to attempt explanation on the inexplicable, could only destroy it".
Jackson Pollock. Wolf
1943, 106.4×170.2 cm
12) American actor and director Ed Harris made his directorial debut in 2000 with the drama biopic "Pollock", in which he also starred Jackson Pollock as an artist. The film was nominated for two Oscar awards and won it for Best Supporting Actress (Marcia Gay Harden).
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The original title of the film "Pollock" (2000), directed by Ed Harris
The original title of the film "Pollock" (2000), directed by Ed Harris
Based on materials of springbok-puzzles.com and jackson-pollock.org. The main photo: yimg.com