Igorevich Boykov

Russia • Sankt-Peterburg and Leningrad Oblast • born in 1997 • artist
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

In the shadow of the gloomy pines where the sun obscures the gloom, I kissed the flowers and mentally buried a mess, burning butterflies touched my shoulders and burned from my burns, I saw one hundred thousand sunny songbirds and their hands hung out in the distance, her eyes encircled all forests and miracles tormented the soul. From them I forgot flowers in an instant and swam along the cold river, and she cherished the muse, twisted with tenderness, soared in the air, kissed me tightly and I woke up from the rain.

And the drops hit the roots, developing a mycelium in them, clearly aiming for these goals by stretching a wet battle, I woke up from the blows, of the heavy, brisk fighters that blocked the sky with my body. I lifted the body with the corpses and looked for the muse in the distance, but the clouds cried from grief, the lakes drank water after nov. I fell into a rage, screaming, searching, but only the echo hit my ears and lips remembered the answers, I humbly waited for her until the first morning comet. The clock shook hands, the body withered, I ran along the poplars, and they flew into the sky. Then I saw a rhizome, either a man or a grandmother, shaking his head creaks and says awkwardly to me:
“A freak and a miracle, what kind of hops did I bring from empty lands, have you caught anyone here or have I forged new archers in the darkness?”
Ashamed in my heart, the fear started and I inadvertently retreated.
- What are you backing child, I am wild here and in this knowledge, I did not start a conversation, a hundred thousand dark winters!
Taking a breath of courage from the outside, I tell him, but his mouth seems to be locked:
-I'm unhappy, forgive me for violating your contemplation, I’m looking for a muse, help me, let’s come together, we’ll discover it with you.

The forest king was looking for a gang and now found, count the salag.

“People, people, give you love to drink and don’t get drunk, I would give you my forest, but he’s not bending.” I’m older than an oak tree on a mountain, here dead wood is older than the Russian god, quite, I could become one more, but I don’t like dust, because it’s because it’s kindred to me, part of him. I began to agree, for a long time I did not creak, because let me think: "I began to be on another matter and not at all fit in"

In a fit of warm success, I shouted at all the star-like flicker.

-Thank you, Tsar of the forest, your society is rotten, I will gladly accept it, and if you are on contemplative preparedness, look for it in the distance in a forest or nightly destructive impulse, I'm not ready to fall in a furious love feast.

The forest was trembling, the moon groaned, the king, youth and the roar in the forest, the sister of the Earth looked at us, then she laughed, but all roots, hands, sticks, she was sometimes lazy to light again, the king of the forest had birch blood. On the way to the star with eyes, all miracles crawled out, toads, nymphs, witches, children from villages where the shadow was so rarely seen, everyone looked at two, all who were not so big for the kingdom of Morphine to visit and sleep soundly.

In my head, questions arose as if autumn arose on the mushrooms for their growth beyond their guests. This strange sound creature with roots instead of a nose.

-Tell me a devil, you have no idea that you are such a modest guy who just wanted to rest and sleep after sleep, heartbroken because of evil. Beauty woke up in me and the flower blossomed where emptiness and butterflies smelled of pollen in my heart, and burned my sternum with my paws, I howled at the lightness and strength of their burning antennae and the power of pollination, I seemed inspired by the feelings of excitement and contemplated how you possessed , all living beings and nonliving became for me, like knives for the same piercing murderous good luck.

That goblin stupefied and drunk from new words and oxygen, sweetly looking at the earth, he was twice surprised.

- Is modest will creep on the roots with the guard of the forest? Why are you scratching my paw here? Let’s find a miracle and quickly turn the three of us at a crossroads, and let evil not lurk in our hearts, because human torment has long been sitting so deaf, where your forgotten dreams are, and I was born long ago or not for beauty.

I drilled a box in my mind, stuffed everything that was new. And now we fly, crawl, we run over the edge of the forest and only cuckoos croak and eagles bark cute. We are looking for what our strengths are, we look for our strengths, we drip where the snake coughing crawled, but nowhere is its wonderful strand and only bones in the ground, my ancestors humus, now flow up, now I call the sprout, thanks apple trees for taste and plums for plum vinegar, I snarled at the hogweed while running, and he loosened in his amusement, doused everything with white wood, everything that did not seem brown, so that our world could be loosened.

Everything is brighter with each branch, but the Tsar and I are so far and close to my slimy goal, kissed by me on her initiative, I screamed and he was dripping, but we were powerless. At the end of the moonlight, we wandered so thoughtlessly that at last the star twitched like my eye from the tiredness of the road and I saw her eyes. "The king look there it seems', so he looked and smiled and reached into the sky with rhizomes.

Here I was so bold and there was one limit to joy, suddenly it would refuse and let the world fly up so high that it would hit the universal ceiling and God would silently dismiss us for our bosom. I whisper to Leshem with a cry.

“The murderer of my killer is bored, you don’t languish from torment, but rather you grab her robe or crown, reconcile that the barbarians are with you, we will steal and do the girl’s way with yoke, she bit me and tasted my sleeping lips properly.

The living tree was exhausted and screamed furiously in response.

-Here he is a battle, hot daring, I almost grabbed her, but the space yaga with a stupa blows me not to defeat her with my tree attack.

And then falling to my knees I took up my knees and overcame the earthly way, jumping up without bending my ankle. Grasping the claws of the Forest King, I climbed through storms and swirls, through unknown strong tremors and the wind howled loudly to me.

-You will die a man, where did you put your gut out? You do not see how on earth the chains tear the one who would call his friend to everyone and everyone there is full.

The cold would have bound me, but this voice I recognized, I heard it over the fields and over the blue seas.

"Don’t frighten my people, isn’t it my inside? And I just have such adventures, I am dependent, like any other on my birthday and in my heart, on love of a sweet birth, like that star, now my luck depends on whether the roots of my friend.

The wind smiled sweetly and gagged his mouth on the chain, he only turned his back nonchalantly and his cold gaze finally returned to me.

The wind smiled sweetly and gagged his mouth on the chain, he only turned his back nonchalantly and his cold gaze finally returned to me. I climbed and crawled and saw clouds, heard lightning strikes and squeamish boas filled the whole country, rushing along the iron oud and howled stones on the move, because the rivers no longer freed their misfortune, but only time pushed them and looked eagerly at me. Time passed and it was sharp, I got up on the needles, and in the silence I hear the heat, from below on the ground, I knew how to look, and there came the voice of a branch, metamorphously he moved his face as if in an instant and appeared here by the way.

- Child, I feel love of grief, but it’s my cold choice to stay in the fire, to burn, and to help you overcome the road, she’s so passionately affectionate with me, I’ve twisted my hands in the nest, you’ll be her little chick, and I’m already a rotten grandfather, but knowing that I was able to save the forests, postpone the clock and win the time where there was no speed burden, where magic was still on a par with a smile and a dream, I know somewhere in the fire I will meet my fate.

In an instant, I turned away from my head and see the heat, there it seems someone was lying, fire and vacuum, the galaxy is a nest, I see the muse, I am amazed and sweet, anxious heart, I'm at the distance of a grasshopper, her soul is sleeping so quietly, and how it blazes clearly, and I kiss her so much that I burn with pleasure, burning to the state of a supernova, blowing felts, possibly a bullet, I became the sun in the distance, trying to get my grief in my native village spring. Contemplating everything around me, my clear circle was touched by lava, like a hand, it made heat on my heart, love, now peace, I see a miracle, it’s a muse, I kiss it passionately and explode we dangerously shaking empty heavenly peace and she tells me so flattering.

-My love, I loved all nations, cities, the sound of a bee flight and your crunchy eyes, like sedge miracles during changing weather times and fleeing lion eyes at the time of the hunt, that I forgot to give all of us with you a big range of heartbeats and break into universes pulsation of endless acts, giving everything and all our world souls, eyes. And now I am happy and there is no more inclement weather, such a moment and we will be completely different with you, just look how we will fall by starfall.

That's how I was born.