
Italia • 1392−1450

Biography and information

Place and date of birth Stefano di Giovanni is unknown. Perhaps he was born in Cortona, in the house of his father Giovanni di Console. However, in Siena there is a record of baptism only one Stefano di Giovanni, and it is marked 1392 m a year, i.e. it is likely that this year was born in Siena. Some experts do not agree that this this post is exactly about Sassetta, and include the date of his birth is approximately 1400-th year, based on the fact that his first work is dated to 1423. Stefano di Giovanni has grown in Siena, its taste was brought up in Siena, and learning the skill presumably he was in the workshop of Paolo di Giovanni FEI.

With creativity Cassette is connected with the beginning of flowering of Siena scale painting near the art of Florentine Renaissance. The earliest work of the artist is the altar of the "Eucharist"(1423-1426), created for the Cappella del Arte della Given. Currently, this work is split. Thus, the panels of predely are in the Museum of fine arts in Budapest ("Prayer of St. Thomas"), Museum in Bernard Castes, in the Vatican ("SV. Thomas before his crucifixion"), in the NAC. Gal. in Melbourne, in the NAC. Pinakothek in Siena ("the last supper" and "the Martyrdom of St. Anthony"). In Siena are stored and eight figures of saints, located on the pilasters of the altar, and two figures of the prophets who were at the pinnacles. The figure of an angel and Madonna from the scene of the Annunciation", also located on the pinnacles of the altar, stored, respectively, in the Museum in Massa Marittima and the Art Gal. Yale University in new haven. The only large sash, which survived to our days, is St. Anthony the Abbot (Siena Monte dei Pasca). In this work, Sassetta, portraying the prospect of using linear rhythms causes flexible Gothic rhythms in fragile but completely modern plastic structure, placed in a clear space where the action unfolds. This is a profound difference from anthropomorphic and rationalistic conception of the Florentines, which is typical for all subsequent Sienese painting of the XV century In 1430-1433 for Siena Cathedral Sassetta creates a great altar dedicated to the Madonna (Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the gift of the Contini-Bonacossi). Thanks to precise rhythms and bright open the horizon here in a completely original synthesis joined the new rules prospects established Florentine school, and poetically-fabulous unreal naive vision. Pre-


della with the image especially good explanation for the miracle


art Sassetta, where this is


the new century extends simple-


panstwo concentric heaven, FAI


continue their descent from the medium


a century later.


From this moment in Siena no Hu-


the artist who had not experienced more


or lesser degree of influence Asset-


you, who, for their part, atten-


closely watched the development of IP-


Costa era, in particular Florent-


Baltic. If the polyptych of C.


San Domenico in Cortona Central


motif another from-


Machen traces of refined Gothic


borrowings, clear design


of the four sides of figures


and great harmony of tones Pro-


come from the art of fra Angelico,


whose mystical spirit match


worldview Sienese artist.


(Siena, the congrega


the Chigi-Saracini) and small


panels (new York,


Metropolitan Museum of art) represent Shine


and taste to the grandeur of the inherent


Gentile da Fabriano. Contrasts in


the main elements and severity of STI-


La suggest that it is Pro-


the extermination was preceded by


from the Palazzo Pitti, directly


which can follow fragments-


you with Madonna and St.


John and picture


ting and the pauper> (Siena, a collection of kid-


LM-Saracini) is a wonderful way-


s creativity Cassette in which


delicate calculations combined with Pravdi-


the first imagination, what is evident


the formal achievements of the Tuscan


artists in the field of perspective.


Numerous (Siena, the NAC. Pinakothek; Gros


Cetto, Museum, Washington, NAT. Gal.)


and very beautiful predella, aplauda-


yasya part of the unknown polyptych,


with the image ,


, (Detroit Institute of arts), -


were also created in 1440-E. PE-


IRS crisis


Tuscan culture under graceful or


grotesque mask imaginary th-


political peace individual genius


Cassette in the original synthesis with-


edinyaet in himself, all that he PSA-


Rahl from other artists (fra Andes-


gelika, late Masolino, Paolo




In 1437 the artist receives an order for




C. San Francesco in Borgo San CE


polka, on which work was completed


agrees in 1444. Here presents




Louvre), and




the meeting Berenson). On the reverse


side - (seven - London, NAC.


Gal.; one - Chantilly, Conde Museum).


Preserved and three panels of predely with


image (Berlindahlem, Museum; PA-


rig, Louvre). This is an undoubted masterpiece


long work and great art


Cassette reflects the perfect aspiration


of the dying civilization. CAC-


cette died in Siena, working on


frescoes of the Roman gate, of which


remained only


the vault.


Among the Sienese painters, having experienced-


Shih direct impact CAC-


Setty, can be called Sano di Drinks-


ro, Pietro di Giovanni d'ambrogio.


In addition. many researchers


ascribe Sassetta famous CE


Tory panels illustrating the life of St.


Anthony (Washington, NAT. Gal.;


New York, Metropolitan Museum of art, the FDS-


unlocking Lehmann; new.-Even, Somehow


d Gal. Jenskogo University-


theta; Berlin-Dahlem Museum).