Alexandrovich Tsyganov

Russia • 1925−2004

Biography and information

Born in the city of Moscow. The participant of the great Patriotic war and the Victory parade, the engineer - designer of the plant "Avtopribor" and CKTB. Henry A. childhood wore two creativity - a love of invention and art. His childhood years were spent in Moscow. There is life brought him to F. I. Venelin neighbor, a metalworker, a very educated man who contributed to the development of the natural talents of the boy. Gaining school knowledge, Henry at the same time attended the district Palace of pioneers, where his creativity was further developed. Was a Board member of the Vladimir city club of artists "Colour". Visiting during several years of Studio art instilled in him the skills in painting, has expanded the range of creative possibilities. Henry A. participated in all city, regional and zonal exhibitions in recent years, and has several solo exhibitions, the laureate of II all-Union festival of folk art.

Tsyganov - the adherent of realistic art. Paying tribute to Vladimir nature, Tsyganov loves and architectural landscapes. In his paintings of historical monuments of Vladimir, Suzdal, Bukhara and France, where the author visited in his time. He shows interest in arts and crafts, making Souvenirs of various tree species. Using philosophical language, we can say that his products represent the otherness of wood in the world.