
United Kingdom • 1819−1900

John Ruskin (eng. John Ruskin; February 8, 1819, London - January 20, 1900, Brentwood) - English artist, art critic, sociologist and historian, geologist and naturalist. He was the most influential, famous and daring art theorist of the 19th century.

John Ruskin proved himself more as a writer and art critic, defending Turner at a time when British criticism did not accept him, supporting the Pre-Raphaelite artists, who at the beginning of their career were not understood and recognized. Ruskin influenced the vrt market, the opinion of academics, the views of architects and restorers. After all, his social and economic work influenced social reform in Britain.
Ruskin became the main preacher of new painting - and provoked the first artistic revolution in Europe: a return to nature as the only source of artistic truth and beauty. And this happened 20 years before the Impressionists started talking about the same thing in France.

Features of the work of the artist John Ruskin: considering the main business of his life, nevertheless, literary activity, history and the theory of art, Ruskin was engaged in painting rather with the aim of studying those topics on which he worked in the process of writing major books. Defending the study of nature in its smallest manifestations as the main task for the artist, Ruskin made detailed sketches of certain types of flowers, mosses, birds, mountains and soils. Traveling to Switzerland and Italy, he painted watercolor landscapes and architectural sketches. Without pretending to be a revolutionary and innovative artist, Ruskin insisted that nature is the main artist. And you need to be a real genius so as not to shield nature from the viewer.

Famous paintings by John Ruskin: "Mountain landscape with" alpine rose ", rusty rhododendron", "Piazza San Marco, Venice", "View of the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius", "Sketch of plants and moss on stones".

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