Petrovich Gimona

Russia • 1865−1929

In twenty-four years, son of a Greek businessman in Russia Nikolay Petrovich Himona came to St. Petersburg and entered the Academy of fine arts. In it he held a school in some degree the great landscape of the antipodes — I. I. Shishkin and A. I. Kuindzhi. Received in 1897 for his diploma film "Spring storm," the title of the class artist, in 1898, a group of students Kuindzhi N. Himona visits many museums and galleries of Europe. In his works the artist throughout his life showed love to the small homeland — Crimea, southern landscapes, although he wrote and the harsh beauty of Finland and other regions of Northern latitudes. Landscapes N. Himona constantly played in the most popular magazines of Russia. The great success enjoyed the artist's watercolors, a concern which was expressed similar to the art of the Imperial family. A large collection of them was acquired by the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich for the future of the Russian Museum.

N. P. Himona was one of the founders of the Society named after AI Kuindzhi, has done a lot over the years for the development of Russian landscape painting. Revolutionary changes and the hardships of life in Russia is not accepted. In 1919 went to London, where he lived the last decade of his life.

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