Pavlovich Pashchenko

Russia • 出生于 1952


Born in the city of Millerovo, Rostov region. The passion for football and drawing, win the drawing. School teacher of chess and drawing Garden V. E.

C 1967 to 1971 he studied at the Lugansk art College, Pogostick R. I.

C 1971 to 1977 at the Moscow art Institute named after V. I. Surikov at first A. I. Fomkina, in the Studio of easel painting of D. D. Zhilinsky, and A. M. Gritsai then moved to the monumental workshop of Yu. K. Korolyov.

After graduation, went to the far East, lived and worked in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Khabarovsk. As an artist, muralist had a very interesting job and great experience in all possible techniques: ceramic mosaic intarsia spatial composition of glass and metal painting.

Always did a lot of photo, film and video, painting, drawing, collage, glass and tapestry. Like good literature, it is not indifferent to different music, which often gives rise to images embodied with fine art.

Grateful that always gives good teachers, friends interesting places and work. Very keen work on glass, plastic and animated projects they implemented the film "EXHIBITION", 2006 participant of Russian and international festivals work on an animation project for me is a very interesting and timely.

The author of the prize "crystal boat" for the hotel business of Moscow.

"Crystal capital" - the prize of the magazine evrodom for designers.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia.

Participant of exhibitions in Russia and abroad.