Sandra Serrano Soto Serrano

Mexico • born in 1973 • artist
Artist in social media

Biography and information

Date of birth: May 6, 1973
Place of birth: Mexico City.
Curp: SESS730506MDFRTN09
RFC: SESS730505063C3
Address: Mocambo 787, Playa Azul, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo.
Cell. 9841570631
Degrees obtained
- Master's Degree in Visual Arts with orientation in painting, Postgraduate in Arts and Design, UNAM
- Bachelor's Degree in Visual Arts from the National School of Plastic Arts at UNAM
- Reading comprehension of academic texts. Unam-Enallt. exam pass certificate, 2017
- 80% English 80% English 80% English 80% North American Mexican Institute of Cultural Relations. Ac. 1992- 1996 Certificate level
Research projects
- The participation of women in the Academy of San Carlos; XVIII, XIX, XX centuries; artist, teacher, student"
directed by Dr. Elizabeth Fuentes Rojas. August 2017 to August 2018. FAD-UNAM. Research
in graphic assets and project coordination.
- Formal plastic values of three mural paintings at Bonampak; lines of research: the rescue of the
painting techniques and processes of the ancient Maya and their possible practice in contemporary painting; 2015 al
2018, master's thesis, directed by Dr. Luz del Carmen Vilchis Esquivel, Lic. Javier Fermín Ruiloba Aussin,
Dr. Raúl Arturo Miranda Videgaray, Dr. Francisco Soriano, Dr. María de las Mercedes Sierra Kohe, del
- School of Mayan mural painting; laboratory for experimentation with techniques and materials used by the Mayans
ancient Mayan painters, for (Institute of Culture and Arts of the Municipality of Solidaridad) IMCAS as part of the
of the award obtained PACMYC 2019, Quintana Roo.
Published articles
- "De arte política y cambio" Opinion article in the column "De arte y falsas bóvedas" of the newspaper Luces
of the century, Quintana Roo. "Of political art and change" Monday, October 10, 2016
- "Arte mestizo" Opinion article in the column "De arte y falsas bóvedas" of the newspaper Luces del siglo,
Quintana Roo. "Of political art and change" Monday, January 10, 2016
- La innovación plástica en los murales de Bonampak, Opinion article in the column "De arte y falsas
bóvedas" of the newspaper Luces del siglo, Quintana Roo. "Of political art and change" Monday, February 10, 2016
"Compositional analysis of the Bonampak murals" Research article, published on the website,, 2019,
- The surprising route of Maya mural painting, in the Gaceta del pensamiento, June 2021,
- Art and revolution" Modernism as an aesthetic resource, Playacar magazine, No. 108, September 2021.
- School of Mayan mural painting, Playacar magazine, No. 101, February 2021;
- Art and resilience, Playacar magazine, No. 102, March, 2021; Playacar magazine,
Book and magazine publishing
- Guide of Fountains and Monuments" of the City Council of the Municipality of Solidaridad; Quintana Roo, as part of the
of the commemoration of the XXVI Anniversary of the founding of the municipality, 2019.
Conferences, workshops and classes given
He has lectured at colloquiums and cultural centers, given workshops and classes at Universities at the level of
and higher education on the visual arts, such as: "From Mayan mural painting to today's painting" in the
year 2015, at the Casa de cultura Cancún, Cine café in Chetumal, Casa de la cultura in Carrillo Puerto; Laboratorio
of pictorial processes and techniques, 2016. Casa de Cultura de Cozumel, Casa de Cultura Calderitas, La participación
of women in art, Museo de arte, UNAM, 2018.
Scholarships, awards, distinctions obtained.
- 1st place in the Altar of the Dead Contest (Collective) Luis Nishizawa Gallery. ENAP- UNAM. 1994.
- Stimulus to artistic activity in kind from INBA, 1997.
- Selected for the exhibition of Contemporary Mexican Artists, at MAMU, Tàrsaság Gallery in the city
of Budapest, Hungary, 2015.
- Selected in the Industriarte program, Q. Roo, 2015
- Selected in the Cozumel Art Biennial 2016
- Selected in the III Biennial of Art of Cancun 2017
- Selected in PACMYC (Program of Support to Municipal and Community Cultures) 2019 with the
project "Mayan Mural Painting School" Municipality of Solidaridad, Quintana Roo. What is being developed in these
Positions and jobs
- He currently runs the first municipal art gallery: Galería de arte de Solidaridad, from July 2023 to July 2023
the date, @galeriadeartedesolidarity
- Coordinator of the School of Artistic Initiation of INBAL in Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo, from 2021-2023
- Coordinated the project for the directory of artists of the state of Quintan Roo (Daeqroo), for the ICA (Instituto de
Culture and the Arts) of the state.
- January and February 2020, she participated as a scenographic painter in the recreation of Teotihuacan murals for
the film series "Mexica" under the art direction and decoration of Eugenio Caballero and Bárbara
- 2019-2020, coordinated the "Fountains and Monuments Restoration Program" at the H. Ayuntamiento of
Solidaridad, Q. Roo.
- 2017-2018, coordinated the research entitled "Women's participation in the Academy of San Carlos;
- s. XVIII, XIX, XX; artist, teacher, student" directed by Dr. Elizabeth Fuentes Rojas.
- 2015-2014, as a teacher at UQROO (Universidad De Quintana Roo, Campus Playa Del Carmen)
Subject: Art and Culture, undergraduate level.
- 2004-2011, manager of cultural, editorial and art projects for Todoniños Todocultura A.C.
- 2007 to 2010, teaching subject "Art and Culture" at UNE University; Campus Milenium; Gdl, Jalisco.
- 2005-2006, manager at Igraphics, advertising services bureau, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo.
- 1998-2000 digital pre-press process specialist at Tintas Sanchez, S.A. de C.V.
- 1997-1998, graphic designer at Corporativo Bimsa, cartosistemas department. Mexico City.
Art exhibitions in which I have participated as an exhibitor
At the moment it is exhibited at the Mayan Museum of Cancun with the individual painting exhibition "La Dzib"
inaugurated on February 1st, until March 26th, 2024. In June 2023, he had a solo exhibition at the
Museo de la Isla de Cozumel, with the exhibition: Dialogues with the Mayan Past. He has participated in several
exhibitions in Mexico and abroad, including three solo exhibitions, one in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo, and one in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo, Quintana Roo
Roo; house of culture (1996), in the city of Monterrey (2004) Galería Regia and the last one in Playa del Carmen, Q,
Roo, University of Q. Roo, (2015) and dozens of group exhibitions in Mexico City, Monterrey, Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico City, Monterrey, Mexico
NL., Guadalajara, Jalisco (1996-2015), Budapest, Hungary (2015) Havana, Cuba (1998) and Mendoza, Argentina
(1993) among others. She has done mural work in the Guaymayén Park in Mendoza, Argentina, as a collaborator
(1993) and Colegio Ernesto Rutherford Cd. Mexico authored by him (2014), Church of Cacaloapan, Puebla, as
collaborator (2015)