Historical and portrait painter, son of an Italian, was born in St. Petersburg in 1812, Received on the death of his father in homework students to Professor A. E. Egorov and living with him, attended classes at the Academy of fine Arts as volnoprihodyaschego student. For the success of your painting was received in 1831 and 1832. small and large silver medals, and in 1835, for the painting ""Patriotic citizens of Nizhny Novgorod in 1612"" was awarded a small gold medal and released from the Academy with the title of artist XIV class. In 1839, together with the family gr. Kutasevych, went to Italy, where he stayed until 1844, mainly depicting scenes of local life, people and nature. On his return to St. Petersburg went for a short time in Constantinople for the device from the images of the own work of the iconostasis in the Church of the local Russian Embassy. In 1845 he was elevated to the rank of academician as a painter, which is known prior for his work. From 1849 to 1856 he was teacher of painting and inspector of classes at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. In 1855, for the image written to the Church of the life guards Jaeger regiment, received the title of Professor. After parting with the Moscow school, he again went to Italy to live in it for the long haul. Died in Paris in 1861, he was a good draughtsman, skillfully worked as oil paints and watercolor and pencil. From his works, over the above images in Constantinople and the life guards Jaeger churches, noteworthy are the image of the Church of the Marble Palace and horse guards, in St. Petersburg in Gatchina and the Cathedral, painting, ""Italian with a rose in his hands"" and ""Neapolitan"" (in the Museum of Emperor Alexander III ) and numerous watercolors, most of which are in the albums Ladies of the Imperial family, in particular ""religious procession in Rome, during the carnival" and" the arms Market in Constantinople"".