Kazimirovich Zhukovsky

Russia • 1814−1886

Biografia e informazioni

Rudolph Kazimirovich Zhukovsky was the foremost remarkable draftsman and lithographer. Collaborated with many magazines of his time, generally on the drawings performed a large number of lithographs, interesting series of "Scenes from Russian folk life" ("Scenes of St. Petersburg people's life including"). Was widely known illustrations to numerous works of Russian writers.

Born R. K. Zhukovsky, in the Bialystok province from 1833 he studied at the Academy of arts A. G. Warnecke. For drawing from life received in 1835 a silver medal in 1838 — the right to teach drawing. In 1839 he graduated from the Academy, receiving the rank of a free artist. As a painter, R. K. Zhukovsky turned to different genres, it was painted in oils and watercolors. He was the author of portraits of many of his contemporaries, wrote battle scenes (among them, and during the Crimean war) and scenes from people's lives. In 1853 he was awarded the title of "appointed" in academics for the painting "the Landing of the 2nd brigade of the 13th infantry division in the port of Odessa", "Project. home" and "Joc, Gypsy dance in the vicinity of Chisinau". For twenty years (1861-1881) R. K. Zhukovsky taught at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts. The works of the artist are in many collections and museums around the country.

Took his own life - drowned.