Mikhailovich Zvontsov

Russia • 1917−1994

Biografía e información

Thesis in the CVC - a series of prints of "On the roads of war", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place in the graphical Department (workshop S. V. Priselkov). Awarded the title of graphic artist. (D. R. on the list of Islands 1917-04-18)

Schedule, the author of theoretical studies teacher. Honored artist of the RSFSR (1978), people's artist of the RSFSR (1983). The participant of the great Patriotic war. He studied at the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin (1946-1952), where he later taught on the faculty of graphics (1953-1971). Worked in the field of print and graphic works, of particular prominence was the work of the artist, dedicated to Pushkin reserve in Mihajlovsky.

Vasily Zvontsov was born April 13, 1917 in the village Vahenemine Kaduyskogo district of the Vologda province in the family of rural teachers. A little father played the violin and painted, the house was a good library. "Among the reproductions, which were collected by my father – the rural teacher, and a self-taught artist, I was particularly struck by the paintings of Levitan, Savrasov, Shishkin, Vasiliev, and domodedovskie landscapes Serova I was just bewitched" – recalled the artist about his rustic childhood. In 1924 the family moved to Cherepovets is a small and quiet at that time a provincial town to give children the opportunity to continue their education. Here begins the systematic drawing of Basil Zvontsov under the leadership of A. A. Alekseeva, in the past graduates Vhuteina. The road to life was chosen.

In 1935, when the family moved to Leningrad, he entered the Leningrad art school (nowadays named after V. A. Serov). Among the teachers, which special influence on the future artist was A. A. Gromov, an excellent draftsman and etcher. "It thunders first told us about the etching – later recalled Zvontsov – showed the originals. Since I conceived to be Forticom". In 1939 Zvontsov became a student of the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin, but the fall is called up for military service. When the term of service came to an end, the Great Patriotic war. All the years of the war he was in the army, he served in the infantry, started as platoon commander, graduated from the senior assistant to the head of the operational Department of the headquarters of the army. Victory has met in Berlin with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, holder of five military orders.

Zvontsov little doodling on the front, and a few landscape sketches, and portraits of fellow soldiers, sketches of front-line life died in 1944 during an artillery attack. The events of the great Patriotic war, the artist turned much later in the series "the roads of war", which as the thesis finished Institute in 1952, and in 1985 in the triptych "the old trenches". But he remembered her always, especially his fellow soldiers. With warmth and pain remembered about the gift – reproduction of drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, which had brought him from Moscow, the chief of artillery of the regiment of Vsevolod Shishkin. Killed captain Shishkin near Daugavpils.

In 1946 Zvontsov was discharged and recovered in the first year of the faculty of painting of the Leningrad Institute named after I. E. Repin, and then moved to the newly organized Department of graphics (1948). His teachers were the distinguished national masters K. I. Rudakov, and A. F. Pakhomov, L. F. Ovsyannikov and G. D. Epifanov, a business which he continued not only in creative work but also in teaching. With 1953, within eighteen years Vasily Mikhailovich taught at the graphic Department of the Institute.And.E.Repin.

Many years Zvontsov worked in etchings, which he loved and knew intimately. He possessed all known manners of this graphical technique, including rare, "forgotten". The artist was attracted by the organic connection of the bar etched with paper, accuracy and mobility of the etching needle, so he preferred classical etching and engraving, dry point. In these techniques, Svantovit made numerous series of landscapes dedicated to Pushkin places, in particular Pushkin reserve in Mihajlovsky. Here the artist worked for about thirty years. "In its leaves, dedicated to Pushkin reserve, writes his tugboat Mikhail Dudin, sounds the eternal music of these undulating expanses of land, these birch and pine woods, spreading to all parts of the summer, looking to run in the most serene mirror lakes, in the eyes of immortal love and passion." Surprisingly, black-and-white works graphics really give you the feeling of the chromaticity. In the Pushkin works Zvontsova no memorialist, not as illustrations to the poems of the poet. The artist managed to feel the landscape of this region particularly lyrical note. He invited the viewer to see the nature of the Mikhailovsky its unique "charm the eyes", which inspired and nourished the poetic genius of Pushkin.

From the variety of genres Zvontsova closest landscape. Passion for his native Northern nature is explainable and understandable, it is based on the recollections of childhood and adolescence. The war also taught to appreciate the fragility and beauty okruzhayushaya and the natural world in particular. According to the artist, "the real landscape is feelings is much more subtle, predstavleniya significant and develops in people the ability to notice and appreciate beauty". On this basis, one can understand why takingback philosophical meaning, he fills the landscape image. And as a great artist and professional, Zvontsov paid special attention to the technical side of their works. He skillfully mastered the pencil, charcoal, Chinese ink.

His affection and love for graphic techniques resulted in deep knowledge of this rich material, which eventually found expression in the book "Etching", released in collaboration with V. I. Shishko. Vasily Mikhailovich is the author of the book "the basics of understanding charts", series of articles about this form of art and outstanding contemporary charts. Merit V. M. Zvontsov was marked by awarding him the title of honored artist of the RSFSR in 1978, and then people's artist of the USSR in 1983

The Works Of V. M. Zvontsov:

The technique of etching. – L., 1959.

The basics of understanding charts. – M., 1971.

The Legacy Of The D. I. Mitrokhin // Art. – 1974. – No. 8. – P. 33-38.

About exhibiting culture // Creativity. – 1975. – No. 11. – Pp. 13-14.


1.The feat of the century. Painters, sculptors, architects, art historians during the great Patriotic war and blockade of Leningrad. – L., 1969. – S. 237-238.

2.Vasily Zvontsov. Graphics. Album / Author introd. articles by M. A. Dudin. – L., 1983.

3.Bio-bibliographic dictionary. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. – T. 4. – KN. 1. – M., 1983. – S. 272-273.

4.Vasily Zvontsov. Exhibition of works. Directory. – L., 1987.

5.And we, in St Michael's, or Home history of the Pushkin reserve in the letters of semen Stepanovich Geychenko, Vasily Zvontsov. – Pskov, 2002.

Source: L. G. Sosnina. Outstanding people: Biographical essays, Ed. the Council "Vologda encyclopedia". -

Vologda, VSPU, publishing house "Rus", 2005. - 568 p. - ISBN 5-87822-271-X