Pavlovna Kapitonova

Russia • born in 1926
KAPENOVA Valentyna Pavlivna (16. 12. 1926, M. Teykovo, NIN Ivanov. region, RF – 17. 03. 1994, Simferopol) – zhivopisets, graft. Member. CFS (1989). Sacn. Risiko AM (1957). Vtod pratsyuvala have Smferopol: view-bi "Crimestat"; dir. Dit. khudozh. school (1958-60); from 1960 – Crim. khudozh. Uch-sh: dir. (1961-77), vikl. (1977-92). Uchenica mist. the exhibition from the 1960s. Persons. – Simferopol (1977, 1989). Storyville themed slots. picture, portrait, peisaj, naturmorti. For the artistic. maneri K. patemann decor. cdct composits, contraste color. I tonove stavlennia. Okrem work sberkassa have Simferop. HMM.

TV.: grafica – "Latvia. Older podr I" (1958), "self-Portrait" (1961), "Winter day" (1965), "the Motives of the village" (1972), "Rasansky the Kremlin" (1973), "Kyiv Lavra" (1974), "Echo vine. 35-a coastal battery" (1975), "Yabluniv CVA" (1978), "Krymsk Motivi" (1986); . – "Punche-Krymskom canal" (1962), "On the vineyard" (1969), "Matusin Yula" (1974), "Bili rose" (1979), "vesnyani noon" (1980), "visiting budwick" (1982), "Ranok labor day", "Spring" (obidva – 1987), "Rune of Khersones" (1988), "Kalina Chervona" (1989).

LT.: Kapitonova Valentina p.: Catalogue of persons. exhibition. SF., 1977; 1989.

R. D., Basenko, M. I. Gavrilyuk
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