Mikolovic Kuzminskis

Lithuania • 1906−1985

Biografía e información

Schedule Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1965), full member AH the USSR (1975). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1951. He graduated from Kaunas hood. school (1933). From 1941 he taught at the Vilnius art. the Institute, 1957 and Professor. In 1958-82 before. of the Board of SKH Lit.SSR. Easel graphics (cycle "Vilnius", 1942-57; "based On Lithuanian folk and revolutionary. songs", 1960-66, "In Vilnius", 1981-84), vol. Fig. etc.

[R. 1(14).12.1906, Betygala, now risanskogo district of the Lithuanian SSR], Soviet timetable, people's artist of USSR (1965), corresponding member AH the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1951. He studied at the Kaunas art school (1927-33). The Chairman of the Board of the Union of artists of the Lithuanian SSR (1958). For the works of K. characteristic creative use of the traditions of the Lithuanian folk, the tension of tonal relationships, diversity and flexibility of expressive touch (cycles: "Vilnius", wood engraving, linoleum, Limite, 1942-57; "based On Lithuanian folk and revolutionary songs", of wood engraving, which began in 1960, the State prize of the Lithuanian SSR, 1967). He teaches at the Art Institute of the Lithuanian SSR in Vilnius (1944; Professor, 1957). Member of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Lithuania since 1963. Awarded the order of Lenin, order of October Revolution, 2. orders and a medal.

Lit.: Korsakaite I., Jonas Has Kuzminski, M., 1964.