Nikolaevich Slatinsky

Russia • nato a 1939

Born in 1939, in the Tver region, Nerlskoe district. In 1968 graduated from the Moscow art. school "Memory 1905" Teachers: A. M. Dubinchik, Asian O. A., Bulgakova M. M., Zhuravleva E. V. In 1975 he graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov, teachers: Korolev, Yu. K Studio of monumental painting. Tsyplakov V. G., Nikiforov S. I., Siberian V. M., V. B. Skuridin Since 1966 participated in many exhibitions. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1984 Working in various genres and techniques: monumental-decorative painting, theme paintings, portrait, landscape, still life, graphics.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

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