
Russia • born in 1913

Honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan, dancer, storyteller, Director, artist, choreographer, movie actor, improviser, musician, collector of folklore. He came to the visual art of Kazakhstan in 30-ies. His whole biography is continuously connected with the history of appearance and development of fine arts of Kazakhstan.

Born in Karaganda region in 1912. In 1927-1928 he studied at the Studio at the Omsk art-industrial school im. Vrubel.

In 1929 Ismailov entered the Moscow izotehnikum 1905 (1929-1932), he continued his studies at the Theater Institute in Moscow (1934-1938).

In 1938-1943 Ismailov is a Director and art Director in the Kazakh academic drama theatre, in 1939 the head of the folk dance ensemble of the Kazakh State Philharmonic. In 1948-1958 - artistic Director of the Republican theatre of the young spectator. In 1961 he published a book together with the choreographer D. abirova by the book "Kazakh folk dances". As an actor Ismailov has starred in the following movies: "angel in a skullcap", "Blue route", "Horizons", "Our dear doctor". Aubakir Ismailov was the first Chairman of the organizing Committee of the Union of artists of Kazakhstan.

Major works: "In the mines of Karaganda" (1932), "the Great scourge of the Kazakh", "Kazakh militias win Dzungars", "the squad Amangeldy", "Sarbaz's in the red Army" (1941-1945), "Jambul among the pioneers" (1948), "Converted Alatau valley" (1949), "Lake Borovoe" (1950, 1953), "Anarchy" (1952), "Industrial Karaganda" (1953), "Issyk-Kul" (1954), "Kurtosi" (1955)"Old feather-grass steppe" (1957), "Lake in the Hungry steppe" (1957), "Zhailau Khan-Tengri" (1959), "Shatinsky valley" (1960), "home country" (1961), "the Revived step" (1961), "On the first and second virgin" (1962), "South Kazakhstan" (1962), "Khan-Tengri" (1962), "the Soviet Kazakhstan" (1964), "The Kapchagai reservoir" (1965), "Transformed native land" (1965), "the vast Juwali" (1968), "On open spaces of Kazakhstan" (1969), Borovoe (1971), "Aktau oil" (1971), "Zhailau" (1971), "Valley of the gazelles" (1972), "a Song about friendship of peoples" (1972), "Cement plant" (1973), "there will be hydroelectric power station" (1975), "Kapchagai" (1976), "Career Dzhezkazgan" (1977).

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