Samoilovich Meshchaninov

Belarus • 1886−1956

Biography and information

After receiving his primary education in his native city, he in 1905-1906 she studied at the Odessa art College. In 1907, the commoners went to Paris, where he studied at the School of decorative arts and the National school of fine arts. He becomes a famous sculptor and participates in exhibitions National art society "World of art", etc. With the 1910-ies O. Meshchaninov was friends with Picasso, D. Rivera, A. Modigliani, which soon became world-famous artists. During the First world war in his workshop lived our countryman from the village of Smilovichi, Minsk County artist with a world name, Chaim Soutine. In 1919, with a letter of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of France Oskar Meshchaninov went to Burma, Siam, Cambodia to survey the ancient city of Angkor and explore the Khmer culture. The outcome was an extensive collection, joined the museums of France. Since 1927, part of a similar expedition commoners visited in India. Our fellow countryman has gained fame as one of the greatest connoisseurs of the ancient sanctuaries of Asia. From 1941 (according to others, 1944) Oscar Meshchaninov lived in the US and in the end he took American citizenship. In 1944, he held a solo exhibition in new York, and in 1955, in Los Angeles. Paintings and sculptures by O. S. meshchaniniv presented today in the museums of Paris, new York, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Jerusalem, Amsterdam, and also in the State Russian Museum and State Tretyakov gallery.

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