Robert (Roman)
Karlovich Zaleman

Russia • 1813−1874

He received his artistic education in Dresden.

Attended classes at the Academy of fine Arts, then worked in the Studio of Santeler in Munich. He received the title of class artist for the bust of the architect A. I. Melnikov (in the Museum of the Academy of fine Arts). Participated in the works on the decoration of St. Isaac's Cathedral, where he owns a relief: "Christ carrying the cross" (in the niche under the North portico), "the appearance of the angel to the shepherds" and "massacre of the innocents" (in the niches under the South portico). In 1856 - 58. the Saleman filled with four allegorical female figures: "Power", "Wisdom", "Justice" and "Faith" adorning the pedestal of the monument to Emperor Nicholas I in Petersburg , and a bas-relief on the same pedestal, depicting the presentation by count Speransky of the Laws of the Emperor. For these works he received the title of academician (later Professor). For the Novgorod monument to Russian Millennium salemann fashioned groups: Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich , Minin and Prince Pozharsky , St. Prince Vladimir , members of this group of figures of women with child and the idolater, and of Dmitry Donskoy and defeated the Mongols. Among the other works of the saleman deserve attention: a marble statue of Emperor Nicholas I, executed for giving "Alexandria" in Peterhof (1866 - 68), a portrait figure of a sleeping child, for a tombstone in St. George, and several busts (Prince A. Suvorov , count Armfeldt, Dr. Arndt etc.).

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