Artemyevitch Oborin

Russia • born in 1917

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. A. p. Oborin - the Patriarch of the Perm branch of Union of artists of Russia.

It includes in its ranks since the founding of the Union. No exaggeration to say that today we experience civic life and creative path of the artist, in many respects, unique, as unique individual destiny, which absorbed almost the whole history of the XX century.

(Author: T. D. Shmaenok, fine art expert)

(15.09.1917, Lysva of Perm. region - 15.03.2005, Perm).

Painter. Engaged in the circle of fine arts in Lysva city House of culture. He Graduated From Perm. art College (1937). In 1937 - artist in the club. I. V. Stalin, gave lessons in drawing a circle, in 1938-1941 – the artist in Perm. the regional ethnographer. Museum. In 1941-1945 he worked in agitmaterial for the production of posters and agitate in Perm. CX, which was housed in the art gallery (hands. B. Johansson, V. Odintsov). Cut stencils for printing agitation. Worked to create sketches, posters and leaflets, which were printed using the lithographic technique in massive numbers and then were sent across the region; were the texts for the posters. Among his works: "Prepare the footage!", "New year", "miner", "From a bad seed do not wait for a good tribe", "Remember the economy", "Win", "Berlin!". Went to the mine of the Kizel coal basin, designed the posters, satirical sheets, portraits of miners.

Went also to the industrial enterprises, in particular, Lysva metallurgical plant, where he made a series of drawings, depicting images of people who worked for the front. In 1946, enters into Perm. partnership "the Artist" (later Perm. the Department of the art Fund). Member of the Union of artists since 1942. Participant of exhibitions since 1939

Engaged in easel painting. Wrote genre and historical compositions, landscapes, portraits. Worked in the techniques of oil painting, watercolors, pastels.

In 1940-1950-1960-ies travelled on creative giving: Chelyuskinskaya, D. N. Kardovsky, lake Senezh. Went on an archaeological dig in Perm. region together with the famous Soviet scientist-archaeologist O. N. Bader and his wife, artist G. N. The Oborin (1947, 1955, 1956), a trip to Bashkiria (1957), in Arkhangelsk and on the Solovetsky Islands (1967), Perm. edge.

Wrote a series of landscapes dedicated to the nature of Central Russia, city of Perm and Kama. In 1958, worked at the Chusovoy metallurgical plant, where they made a lot of sketches and sketches from nature.

In 1954 he created the painting "the First success" (meeting PGHG). Heroine is a simple village girl – the participant of competition of Amateur creativity. The picture is painted in the traditions of Russian realistic painting, full of sincerity and warmth of feeling. The artist was inspired by personal experience, were made full-scale drawings during his trips to Perm. area when he had been a member of the jury of rural Amateur performances. For the image of the young actress also posed for the artist's daughter Elena. The painting was shown at the Republican and all-Union exhibitions in Moscow, was awarded the first degree Diploma of the Ministry of culture of the RSFSR, was successfully demonstrated as part of the mobile exhibition of works of artists of the RSFSR in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. The work was published in the Central journals, in particular, on the cover of the popular magazine "Ogonek", was published postcard, the circulation of which amounted to 300 thousand copies.

In the 1940-1950 written portraits of men of culture and science: writer V. V. Kamensky, architect N. A. Shvareva, Professor P. I. Chistyakov.

In the 1960s he was an active participant of exhibitions of works of Perm. artists in Perm. region: in the gallery of the farm. Thalmann in Elovskaya district (1961), art gallery of farm. F. E. Dzerzhinsky in Il'inskiy district (1961), a traveling exhibition on the industrial centers of the Perm region (1962), the traveling exhibition in the city ocher, the city of Vereshchagino, Karagay S., Kudymkar (1962), personal exhibition in the days of the "Week of fine arts" (1963).

Throughout his life the artist painted landscapes are romantic and fanciful, dramatic and lyrical. The landscape appeared the aesthetic ideals of the artist, his ideas about the world. Self-picturesque sketches of nature, characterized by profound feelings, a richness of tone noiserock.

The artist created a whole gallery of self-portraits (1930s-2000s), which reflected the whole life of the artist, his worldview and self-esteem, a philosophical attitude to the world. The complexity of the creative person to represent the artist's diary, preserved reflections on life and work; his poetic works.


Union: Moscow, 1954, 1955;

Republican: "Soviet Russia", Moscow, 1964;

International: Soviet artists (Eastern Europe) 1955;

Zonal: "Ural socialist": Sverdlovsk, 1964; Perm, 1967;

Personal: 1987 (Perm, Exhibition hall of artists), 1997 (Perm, PGHG),

2000 (Krasnokamsk, Art gallery), 2002 (Perm, Municipal exhibition hall; the city of Krasnokamsk, Art gallery), 2004 (Lysva). 2006 (Perm, gallery "Maris-Art").


Serebrennikov N. N. Molotov propaganda work artists during the great Patriotic war // Urals In the West. [Perm]: Molotovs, 1951. C. 136, 137, 146, 148-150, 153; Kozhevnikov I. G. the Success of the artist // the Star. 1955. 4 March (No. 53);

Serebrennikov N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm: Book. publishing house, 1959. 256 p.; Artists PERMI / ed. text N. N. Pieces of silver. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1963. 70 p.; Exhibition of works by Perm artist P. A. Oborin / comp. L. F. Anikin. Perm, 1963; Perm organization CX RSFSR: a set of brochures / R. Sedov Petr Oborin. 1979; Perm Artists: [collection of essays] / ed. N. Kazarinova. Perm: Perm. kN. publishing house, 1981. 175 p.; Perm organization CX RSFSR: a set of brochures/ Kazarinova N. Painting and monumental art. Perm, 1984; Kazarinova N. V. Artists Perm. L.: Hood. Of the RSFSR, 1987. 192 p.; P. A. Oborin. Painting: exhibition catalogue / ed.-comp. T. D. Shmaenok; Petr Oborin. Painting. Figure. Watercolor: the booklet of the exhibition / ed.-comp. T. D. Shmaenok. Perm, 2002; Union of artists of Russia. The Perm organization vtoo. 65 years of activity: brochure / auth. O. M. Vlasova. Perm, 2004; Peter A. Oborin (1917-2005). Afterword / AVT.-comp. Vladimir Zubkov, ed. introd. St. Y. B. Tabrizian. Perm, 2006; Oborin Peter A. (1917 – 2005) // pages of the history of artistic culture of the Kama region: proc. allowance. Perm: Book. the world, 2006. S. 90: portr., Il.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P. Fedotov)

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