Mikhailovich Belashov

Russia • nació en 1933

Biografía e información

Honored artist of the RSFSR (1978), corresponding member AX (1995), laureate of the State prize of the Russian Federation (1993).

In 1953-1960 he studied in MITHU E. F. Belashova, I. A., Rabinovich, G. A. Schultz. A participant in exhibitions since 1956 Solo exhibition was held in Moscow (1965).

In 1987 he was awarded the silver medal of the USSR art Academy for the artistic design of the interior Paleontological Museum named. Y. A. Orlov of Russian Academy of Sciences. The sculptor is stored in the state Tretyakov gallery, in many regional museums and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

Member of the Academy of arts.

09.01.1933 G. was born in Leningrad. Lives and works in Moscow. In 1960 graduated from the Moscow higher Hu-Dagestana-industrial school (b. Stroganov).

In 1986 — the diploma of arts of the USSR for the song in ceramics "Marten" and "Gazelles".

State prize of the Russian Federation in 1993 and a silver me-dal of arts of the USSR of 1987 for the artistic design of the interior Paleontological Museum named. Y. A. Orlov of Russian Academy of Sciences.

2005 the prize of the Government of Moscow for a monument to the victims of the terrorist attack on Dubrovka

Among the main works: "the Family of reindeer breeder" (1967), "Arctic" (1973), "Deer" (1976), "the Bear on the East unit" (1979, theatre of N. Sats), mammoth, the flying lizards, Rhino (1988-1989), nine sculptures for the Moscow zoo (1994-1995), "Eaglet" (1996). Monument Gervais Nord-OST (Moscow, 2003).

Corresponding member of the PAX (1995). Honored artist of the RSFSR (1978).

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