Ivanovich Plekhanov

Russia • 1901−1973

Biografía e información

Was born in Samara in 1901, Died in Moscow in 1973

Plekhanov studied first at the Samara art teachers College, and later in Moscow from 1923 to 1925 in the Studio of D. N. Kardovsky, and in 1925-1931 in the Studio of V. N. Yakovlev. At the same time, in 1925 he began to study restoration under the guidance of I. E. Grabar. It was the restoration of frescoes of the XI century in Kiev, murals in the cathedrals and towers of Moscow Kremlin, as well as complex operation on translation of mural paintings of Mikhail Vrubel on the canvas. Plekhanov wrote landscapes, portraits, genre paintings, which are distinguished by the sophistication of brushwork.

Samara art Museum introduces the viewer to the legacy of one of the least studied of artists–natives of Samara, Nikolay Ivanovich Plekhanov. The forgotten genius of the last century, dark, mystical realist Plekhanov finally recovered from the funds.
His exhibition is dedicated to the celebration of the 160th anniversary of the Samara province and the 110th anniversary since the birth of the artist and conservator. Plekhanov studied in Moscow in the studios of D. N. Kardovsky (1923 - 1925) and V. N. Yakovlev (1925-1931), in 1925 he began to study restoration under the guidance of I. E. Grabar and have done a lot in this field. It was the restoration of frescoes of the XI century in Kiev, murals in the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, the operation to transfer the wall paintings of Mikhail Vrubel on the canvas. At the same time, works of Plekhanov-painter to a wide audience almost not known. The more important is the fact that in 1976, thanks to the generous gift of the artist's son Sergei Nikolaevich in the Museum's collection received Plekhanov's legacy, consisting of 36 paintings. In subsequent years the best of them appeared in Museum exhibitions, but the majority were kept in the vaults. At this exhibition presents 13 paintings restored Plekhanov. In the future, after the final completion of the restoration, the plan is to show all 36 works in the exhibition dedicated to 40-anniversary of the death of the artist.
"It is obvious that the profession of restorer has a strong impact on the range of interests Plekhanov artist. Following his teacher, "militant realist" V. N. Yakovlev, Plekhanov saw the world through the prism of classical art, the traditions of Western European painting of XVI - XVII centuries. Many of his works imbued with the pathos of the Baroque style, sometimes it hypertrophied form and is on the verge of naturalism. At the same time in his canvases exude the realities of the Soviet time, and some parties it is moving closer to neoclassical and surrealist trends in art of Western Europe of the 1920-ies.
In portrait work of the artist before us is not so much a particular people, his contemporaries, as representatives of the people living hopeless lives, isolated in their grief, carriers of bitter wisdom. Here remotely traced reminiscences of Rembrandt's work. It is no coincidence that the old men and women, there are absolutely no images of people young.
A special place in the works of Plekhanov is a work of genre and landscape character – it is noticeable the influence of Dutch and Flemish painting. The author tends to be large-scale canvases, a striking example – the picture of "Fishwife", modeled after many of the Dutch "fish markets" XV-XVI centuries.
Landscapes Plekhanov also clearly focused on panoramic landscapes of the Dutch masters, including canvas "Winter", "Herd", and several others.
Works on modern themes from Plekhanov virtually absent, only expressive painting "the fence". Here betrays the flavor of the late 1920s – early 1930s years, transferred to characteristic types of village girls seeking to join the city life, and at the same time bearing the distinct features of the village mentality.
The collection of works by N. And. Plekhanov is still waiting for its thorough, in-depth study."
Exhibited work Plekhanova N. And. "Summer landscape" is genuine, written by the author in the early 30-ies of the 20th century.