Igorevna Khokhryakova

Russia • nació en 1980

Biografía e información

Painter, muralist.

Born in 1980 in Moscow. He studied at the art school in 1999 he entered the State Academy Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin in St. Petersburg. In the third year he transferred to Moscow State Academic art Institute named after V. I. Surikov, Studio of monumental painting under the guidance of academician E. N. Maximov. In 2005 he graduated from the Institute.

Anastasia works in almost all genres of monumental and easel painting: performs wall painting, sgraffito, mosaic, portraits, genre compositions, landscapes and still lifes. For works of Anastasia hohriakova as in painting, and in compositions characterized by emotionality, vividness of perception. Her paintings subtly convey the mood, the way they are integrity and a clear design build.

The artist created over three hundred works performed in the series of painting for the Maly theatre the performance "every wise man stumbles". Paintings are in private collections in Russia, USA, UK, Italy and France. In the summer of 2003 A. Khokhryakova has participated in painting for the centennial of the main Orthodox parish in the United States – Saint Nicholas Cathedral in new York.

The winner of the youth award "TRIUMPH", 2005.

Member of the international art Fund since 2001.


2006 – painting Spaces, an exhibition of works of artists of Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Grozny, Rostov-on-don (Museum-panorama "Borodino battle", Moscow)

2005 – Art exhibition "New look - the Holy land through the eyes of contemporary artists" (gallery of the Pilgrim center of the Moscow Patriarchate, Moscow)

2005 – Exhibition of diploma: "the Heirs of great art" - the best graduation works of graduates of academic art institutes of Moscow and Saint Petersburg (the Tsereteli gallery, Moscow)

2005 – the Third all-Russian contest named after Viktor Popkov (Bulgarian house, Moscow)

2005 – Art exhibition "Music of colour" (Moscow House of Nationalities, Moscow)

2005 – the II all-Russian contest of young artists (the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow)

2005 – international art exhibition devoted to 60th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war (Moscow)

2005 – Art exhibition "Youth-25" (Exhibition center of Moscow artists, Moscow)

2005 – Exhibition of young artists (artists Union Exhibition hall at the Kuznetsk bridge, Moscow)

2003 – national exhibition of works of art to the celebration of Slavic literature and culture (Voronezh)

2003 – Art exhibition "300 years to St. Petersburg" (White House, Moscow)

2003 – Exhibition of students mgahi them.In.And.Surikov (Central house of art workers, Moscow)

2002 – Personal exhibition (Korolyov, Moscow region).

2000 – laureate of the interregional exhibition of works by young artists "At the turn of the Millenium" (Khimki, Moscow region).

1997 – City exhibition (Zelenograd, Moscow region).

  • Estudios
  • Maestros