Petrovich Kornilov

Russia • 1926−1987

Biography and information

Architect, graphic artist, designer, teacher. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born 7 Nov 1926 in Kazan.

In 1932 the family moved to Leningrad.

During world war II (1941-1945) was evacuated to Kazan, where he studied at the aviation College.

in 1945 - 1951 he studied at the architectural Department of the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.

His professional career began in Giprogor (State Institute for the design of cities), where he participated in developing master plans for the towns of Yuryuzan, Ust-Katav, Kyshtym, and other.

In 1951 he married Anna Nikolaevna Knyzhkovoi.

In 1957 invited to the LENNIIPROEKT (Leningrad Institute for design of residential construction) in the workshop of A. V. Zhuk, where he studied the interior of the Theatre for Young Spectators in Leningrad.

As the architect displayed his abilities range from urban planning to three-dimensional design, from small architectural forms to the interior of buildings.

In 1961 began teaching at the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina at the Department of metal art (in 1963 reorganized into the Department of Industrial Art). Along with I. A. Vaxom and HP by Kalininym was behind the development of the system of education in the field of design.

The first half of the seventies fruitfully works in the area of applied art and design. Among his designs of the projects of sports equipment (tennis rackets, ski poles and skis, hockey sticks) and sporting boats of various purposes. A leading designer of complex equipment for the Ostankino television center and radiobudynkiv greater Moscow, St. George hall, the faceted chamber of the Kremlin (in collaboration with S. V. Muravyov) and many others. His project "radio "Leningrad -002 was awarded a gold medal at the fair in Leipzig. Most of these projects were put into production.

As a graphic artist has successfully worked in the techniques of watercolor, pastels, monotypes and linocuts. Works were exhibited in Leningrad, Republican and all-Union exhibitions and abroad. He died on 16 APR 1987.