Borisovna Strezbetskaya

Russia • nació en 1978

Biografía e información

Born in the city of Nikolsk of the Penza region in 1978.

According to parents, Tanya was born an artist. Early childhood Tatiana drew on everything that came across under a hand. At the age of 7 years in September, Tatiana arrived in art school. Despite the fact that the enrollment was already over, the girl insisted that the teachers looked at her work. Home Tanya returned with the receipt for tuition to art school. In 1993. she finished school in the same year he enrolled in the Penza art College named. K. A. Savitsky, from which he graduated with honors in 1998, majoring in painter.

From 1998 to 1999. Tribecca T. worked in the city of Nikolsk factory of artistic glass and crystal products by glass artist. The experience gained in the art Department workshop, gave an opportunity to young artist to realize their creative ideas in the technique of "stained glass" mosaics and paintings on ceramics.

A great desire to study further and high performance helped her to enter the Academy of fine arts im. I. E. Repin, faculty of painting in 2002. Teachers Tatiana was Chuvin and A. V. Kravtsov. I. M. 2004. a young artist studying in the Studio of A. A. Mylnikov, which is the best workshop of the Academy. 2006. Tatiana Tribeca was awarded the medal "For academic achievements" according to the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts. According to the teachers, Tribecca T. B. showed himself as a painter, very accurate and realistic conveying the realities on the canvas so the brush of the artist come out bright and sharp compositional work. Musical education of the artist plays a big role in her work. Piano playing inspires the creation of new paintings: the world of music enters the world of color.

2008. Tribecca T. B. graduated with honors from St. Petersburg state academic Institute. I. E. Repin, the Department of monumental painting under the guidance of academician of ARTS, Professor A. A. Mylnikov. Thesis: sketch for the foyer of the youth theatre "the Feast of Prince Vladimir" size 270х600см. Teachers: member of the Russian Academy of arts, Professor A. K. Bystrov, Professor S. N. Repin, Professor V. S. Pesikov. The work is striking in its monumentality, bright colors, soulful spirit of old times. According to the artist, the opportunity to bring together all of the heroes, to create a collective image symbolizing the strength and power of Russia, it seemed a great idea.

While studying at the Academy since 2002. in 2006. more than 20 works were selected in the Foundation of the Academy of arts im. I. E. Repin. The artist cooperates with several galleries in Moscow and Europe. In addition to painting and drawing, Tribecca T. B. owns the technique of stained glass, mosaics, murals and decorative painting.

Works of the artist are in private collections of Russia, Germany, Italy, Sweden, China.

Tribecca T. B. collaborates with the "thumbnail". In 2007. for the Garden Ovcharova S. M performed a series of portraits of the kind Ranevsky. In 2008. for "Dealer" - "Portrait of the unknown".

In 2007. participated in the first contest of young artists, Landmarks, held under the patronage of the government of Saint-Petersburg (topic "Formula of spring") and was awarded a Diploma for a Spring song .

Participation in exhibitions:

Still life is the Academy of fine arts im. E Repin. Italian hall, 2004.

"Great Russia" Art Museum of the city of Nikolsk. 2004.

"All I see is hilly Pavlovsk", Pavlovsk, 2006.

"Spring dreams" the town of Pavlovsk, 2006.

"Academic drawing", Academy of fine arts im. I. E. Repin. Italian hall. 2007.

The annual exhibition of summer works. Academy of arts im. And Ilya Repin. 2003-07g.

"Nadezhda-7" Exhibition hall of Union of artists. 2007.

The first contest of young artists "Landmarks" on the subject "the Formula of spring" 2007.

The second contest of young artists "Landmarks" on the theme "World around us", Saint-Petersburg, the Angleterre, the Hall of Pavlova.

"Hope-8", Exhibition hall of Union of artists. 2008.

Exhibition "the True story of the "Garden" gallery nashchokina, Moscow. 2008.

Exhibition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of lifting the siege of Leningrad, Union of Artists. SPb, 2009.

The exhibition "Orthodox Russia" in Alexander Nevsky Lavra. 2009.