Gavrilovich Krikhatsky

Russia • 1877−1942

see also Krihatsky Vladimir Gavrilovic

8.06.1877 G. was born in Odessa, died 18.04.1942 G. ibid. Painter, musician. The son of a military officer. He studied at the physico-mathematical faculty of Novorossiysk University. A number of years was collector of customs. Studied painting in private art school of M. M. Manilla, since 1897 - in the Odessa drawing school. He took lessons from Odessa artists O. G. Moravica, V. the affected its, G. S. Golovkova. In 1910-1917 he is a member of the spring exhibitions in Ekaterinoslav, Yelisavetgrad, Kiev, Nikolaev. Odessa participated in the spring exhibitions of 1913-1914 a Member of the "Association of South Russian artists" since 1919, the Secretary and Treasurer of the Odessa "Society of independent artists". Since 1922 – member of "Society. K. K. Kostandi", participant of the exhibitions of these associations. He mainly painted landscapes. In his work relied on the traditions of Russian and Ukrainian realistic art.

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