Moscow icon painting workshop
Moscow icon-painting workshop was established in 1991. In the early 90-ies of XX century to open a business with the same name was extraordinary. It is currently across Russia has many icon-painting workshops. However, not every one of them has more than 25 years of experience.
Our workshop continues the activities of the Moscow icon-painting workshop O. S. Chirikov Beginning of the twentieth century, interrupted in the godless years.
Our artists continue and develop the traditions of the Stroganov masters and the king of painters, based on the best achievements of the Moscow school of icon painting. Masters create highly artistic images by traditional technology with the use of God-given natural materials. Icons painted in the workshop, are not only religious items, but also highly artistic examples of contemporary ecclesiastical art.
The painters of our icon-painting workshop paint icons for churches and monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church and house icons for the Orthodox laity.
Over the years of its fruitful activity in our workshop was written a number of iconostases, here are the most significant:
In the Church of St. Nikola on the Bersenevskaya embankment in Moscow,
In the Church of the blessed virgin Mary Neopalimaya Kupina in Yuriev Monastery Novgorod the Great,
In the Temple of David of Serpukhov in Talega,
In the intercession Cathedral of Veliky Novgorod (Zverin monastery),
In the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Khutyn monastery
In the Church of St. Nicholas metochion of Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery
In the Temple-chapel of St. Elijah the prophet in the Headquarters of long-range Aviation, and many others.
In our workshop employs highly qualified restorers of tempera painting. One of the remarkable works - participation in the restoration of the unique icons of the 17th century "last judgement or the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ," in the ascension of David Desert.
The embodiment of the iconostasis is the work not only of painters, but also carpenters. The manufacture of the body of the iconostasis, icon boards, bases, carving, making of icon cases – all this hard work cabinetmakers of the highest caliber. Carpenters in our workshop can work on the log and create highly artistic works of religious art.
One of the activities icon workshop is to conduct and participate in Orthodox exhibitions of contemporary ecclesiastical art. In Studio room in the village. Brekhovo opened a permanent exposition of contemporary Orthodox canonical icons called "Russian icon".
CTIF, OOO Moscow Icon-painting Workshop for OVER 25 years writes the icon ordering, restoring tempera painting ,made tabernacles, and the salaries and teaches iconography.http://iconamaster.EN
my phone 8 916 655 45 95
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