Shevchuk V. G. - honored artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the International Academy of spiritual Sciences, doctor of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of decorative arts of GBOWO RK "Crimean engineer-pedagogical University"
1958 – was born in Simferopol.
Graduated with honors:
1977 – the Crimean art College im. N. S. Samokish;
1983 – Kyiv state art Institute (workshop of Professor A. M. Lopukhov and V. I. Gurina, Ukraine).
From 1983 to 2009 he taught painting, drawing and composition in the Crimean art College im. N. With. Samokish.
From 2009 to present - teaching painting, drawing, decorative painting,composition, "synthesis of the arts and architecture" in the Crimean engineering and pedagogical University at the Department of decorative arts.
V. Shevchuk took part in more than 170 exhibitions in the Crimea, in Ukraine and abroad, of which about 50 personal. The artist works in different techniques: oil, acrylic, tempera, watercolor, ink.
In addition to his artistic and teaching activities V. Shevchuk engaged in research activities.
The works of V. Shevchuk are in museums and private collections in Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, England, Germany, Saudi Arabia and the United States.
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